Used iPad to to control my Ultra last practice


Fractal Fanatic
While awaiting the new merchant processing to get set up so my MFC-101 order can be processed, I was in a bind for a foot controller. I found an iPad app called S1 Midi Trigger and used the Line 6 Midi Mobilizer hardware unit to connect my iPad to the Ultra. I then configured the iPad app to send messages to the Ultra to change patches and also to use as IA buttons within patches. I used it at practice yesterday and it got me by well enough. Screenshots are below. Hopefully my MFC shows up soon, but this saved the day and can be used in a pinch if you have easy-enough opportunity to screen-tap.

Midi Trigger 1.png
Midi trigger 2.png
Holy crap iPad does everything now :lol
Dude seriously, props for figuring this out. Apparently axe 2 can be recorded in an iPad too! No lie!
While awaiting the new merchant processing to get set up so my MFC-101 order can be processed, I was in a bind for a foot controller. I found an iPad app called S1 Midi Trigger and used the Line 6 Midi Mobilizer hardware unit to connect my iPad to the Ultra. I then configured the iPad app to send messages to the Ultra to change patches and also to use as IA buttons within patches. I used it at practice yesterday and it got me by well enough. Screenshots are below. Hopefully my MFC shows up soon, but this saved the day and can be used in a pinch if you have easy-enough opportunity to screen-tap.

View attachment 5483
View attachment 5484

iPad as a foot controller?! Please tell me you actually put it on the ground and were stepping on it. :)

Seriously though- pretty awesome.

I highly recommend the app "Midi Touch" for doing this kind of thing. You can totally customize pages with sliders, buttons, xy grid controllers and even create tabbed control sets. I'm still working on my controller patch, but so far I've got sliders for all 12 external controllers, x/y buttons for most blocks, looper controls and a couple of XY pads. I'm thinking of it as an addendum to the MFC rather than a replacement.
Yes, Midi Touch looks nice. It is 10x the cost of S1 Midi Trigger, so I went cheap as I didn't know if I could get anything working. That's a good idea of using it as an add-on to the MFC however. Keep us posted on your setup.
iPad as a foot controller?! Please tell me you actually put it on the ground and were stepping on it. :)

Seriously though- pretty awesome.


Soon enough this'll be do-able. Digitech will release the iPB-10 this year and you'll be able to enclose your iPad in a "stompable" enclosure.

An iPad like midi pedalboard would be a pretty awesome thing if it could be made durable enough. Every preset could be configured differently with totally customizable look, names and arrangements. No need for pedalboard tags...
An iPad mounted on a stand (like your mic stand) could be used as a controller or editor without even putting your pic down.

Could it replace a floorboard? Maybe . . . maybe not, but it could a be very useful stage or practice tool.

I'm tryin to stop buying stuff, so stop with the cool ideas already! 8)
I like the idea of having a tech use the iPad to run guitar effects (minus expression pedals) and still have the MFC out on stage for back-up.
Just the thought of having such a "delicate" device - on floor, or mounted on a stand - anywhere near where some of the "bozo's" in the audience can spill liquid on it, scares the crap out of me!! I feel bad enough that my MFC is on the floor. Axe and Atomic are off to stage right and out of the way.. but I'd not put my iPad up on front of stage.
Just the thought of having such a "delicate" device - on floor, or mounted on a stand - anywhere near where some of the "bozo's" in the audience can spill liquid on it, scares the crap out of me!! I feel bad enough that my MFC is on the floor. Axe and Atomic are off to stage right and out of the way.. but I'd not put my iPad up on front of stage.

I use my iPad at all my gigs - I have over 2,000 pieces of music in there, and if someone requests one I don't have, I can look it up ASAP! Love it!
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