Use of IR capturing for flat FRFR?


Fractal Fanatic
I was wondering if you could use the IR capture to make your FRFR flat(er).
Create an IR through your FRFR speaker. Then analyze the EQ and based on that, adjust your final EQ in the AXE 2.
It's not going to be perfect, but better.

I haven't got into the IR process at all, yet so it's just theory.

Any thoughts?

Hint: It could be a cool built in feature if the Axe automatically did that.
I think the biggest problem is what microphone were you thinking of using? Going to have to be a fairly flat microphone.
Not a job for your SM57 that's for sure. :mrgreen

But also a very cool idea, its fairly fast way to analyze your speakers and also the room your in.
The thread referenced above is HERE. I've been playing with creating an inverse of the speaker IR, but either way you need a reference microphone.
With the room eq wizard (as mentioned in the other thread) you can also just see the eq adjustments needed to flatten the frequency response vs. making an IR capture of it.

If you go to the home theater shack, where the room eq wizard lives, there are some links to ref mics that come with .cal files for loading into the wizard.

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