USB Routing Into Logic (Outputs 3 & 4)


New Member
I’ve read through the manual & wiki, & looked through the forum. I still don’t understand the usb routing for outputs 3 & 4.

I’m trying to use all 8 usb outputs into logic simultaneously to record reverb & delay on their own stereo tracks.

I’m recording the AxeFx dry amp & cab via output 1 to channel 1&2 in Logic. Works great.

I’m recording a ping pong delay via output 2 into channel 2&3 in Logic. Works great, very simple.

Here’s where I’m failing:

I’m trying to send only reverb via output 3 to be recorded in Logic on channels 5&6.

And I am trying to record a multi tap delay via output 4 to be recorded on channels 7&8 in Logic.

It appears that with usb, outputs 3 & 4 are designed for reamping. Does this mean I can’t simply send a stereo reverb, delay (or backing track etc) out to Logic via outputs 3 and/or 4?
I hope I’m missing something simple.
I can’t quite wrap my head around what I’m reading, thanks to anyone who may be able to clarify this.
I’d really like to record these elements independently of one another.
You've basically got 2 pairs of stereo grid outputs you can send out to the computer. You can play tricks to repurpose a pair as two independent mono outputs and that might help your situation if mono is sufficient. Another trick would be to patch an analog output to an analog input (e.g. out 3 to in 3) and use that as a third usb stereo pair you can send to the computer from the grid on channels 7/8. See the recording guide for other tips.

The Axe-FX I/O doesn't have a lot of flexibility. It would benefit greatly from something like this:
USB Inputs 5 and 6 are fixed to the signal from the Input 1 jacks. They cannot be used for any other input source. USB Inputs 7 and 8 can only similarly capture the unprocessed signal from one of the other pairs of physical inputs on the Axe III. Like GlennO said, only USB Inputs 1 through 4 can capture processed signals from the grid via the Out 1 and Out 2 blocks.

While the Axe III's USB I/O is 8 in and 8 out (technically 7 in and 8 out since USB inputs 5 and 6 will always have the exact same signal), the use of those channels is in many cases restricted to specific uses.
Thanks for the clarification guys.
I’ve read through GlennO’s entire wish-list thread regarding how useful an I/O matrix would be. I couldn’t agree more.
I’ve never tried to use the AxeFx as a USB interface until today and I did not realize the usb outputs are not all freely assignable.
I was really looking forward to recording 3 sets of parallel effects along with the dry amp/cab using only USB.

Thanks again, and GlennO thanks for your input on the wish list, I very much hope your wish is granted someday.
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