USB Direct vs Audio Interface

Oh, cool. Does AISO4ALL show up in your DAW 'preferences' after you have installed it? Will it work with Sonar X3? If nobody knows, I guess there's only one way to find out. :indecisiveness:
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Oh, cool. Does AISO4ALL show up in your DAW 'preferences' after you have installed it? Will it work with Sonar X3? If nobody knows, I guess there's only one way to find out. :indecisiveness:

You bet. If you haven't found out by now, then you will :p Just open the preferences menu in Reaper or click the top right corner, set your device to ASIO4ALL and everything should just fall into place ;)
One last question before i pull the cord... Is it win7 Pro 64bit compatible? :rapture:
Yes, it is. :encouragement:
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guys, I'm not a deep expert with all this digital audio stuff..... but something I recall from a while ago tells me that it's not as linear as one level = one binary value and that's the end of it..
because in that case, a lower signal would - like a lot of you state - have lower resolution..
I think in practice, there's some very smart math going on with respect to sampling and reconstructing the signal which actually retains the dynamic range and smoothness of the reconstructed waveforms..

if sending the biggest possible signal to the DAW was the only / best solution, wouldn't it make a lot of sense to have the Axe do this already??
and this, compared to all the other stuff the Axe does is real simple to sort out...
but it doesn't.. and that's because I don't believe there is an issue with respect to the dynamic range..
and if it were a major prob, surely it would have been addressed long before fw13 was even a glimmer of an idea to come
I think this fact speaks volumes..

I personally have taken this line of chat about as far as the depth of my own knowledge / understanding of the subject will allow...
it'll take a "Cliff type" to go further..
the only other thnig I can add is that someone very knowledgeable in this area that explained how digital audio works to me said.. don't worry about it.. it won't make any difference..
and personally I can't say I've noticed an audible difference - especially considering that for the last 20 or so years I've been cable reamping..
and for the last 6 months I've been using the Axe's USB..
I've actually found that the USB improved the work flow.. and the audio quality is at minimum, equal to what I had before... but my instincts are telling me that in someway the quality has improved a little
that siad, I can't quite put my finger on what it is - because I couldn't spare the time to find out [because I had more important things to do.. like play guitar and record the performances for the various projects / customers I'm working with.. essentially.. just crack on being a working muso]

so the killer point is.. at the very least it's not feeling to me like a step backwards.. and I'm convinced now this it's actually a step forward..
only reason i use an interface is to...well.... interface from my laptop to my studio monitors.
This!!!!!! Otherwise then It becomes a paoin to plug in my speakers to axe fx and a pain to rerout the entire computer through axe fx so I can hear not just guitar pre DAW.

make an aggregate interface… then you get the best of both…
better in fact…
you can play, hear your dirty tone [via the jack cables into the AI] plus the mix through your monitors..
and simultaneously record the dry via the Axe's USB

I've compared USB to SPDIF to analog for recording. They sound different but to my ears it is subtle and I'm ok recording the analog main output.

For reamping having the sound card in addition to the Axe-FX USB is essential in my opinion so you can tweak your patch in the mix.
Hi guys, what's the longest length of USB someone is using to record with successfully ? I need an 8metre run but I'm worried it will glitch ? Matthew.
Thanks guys. Do those booster cables really work. Anyone using one full time to record with aswell as doing updates etc? Matthew.
works fine for me
Mackie mixer with firewire and the Axe-2 via USB
8-core Mac Pro, 16G RAM with Mountain Lion
in tha Agg interface, Drift Correction is checked for both AI's

works fine
What is this? I don't know anything about audio routing or production.

I see a mixer here:—

I have
Guitar -> AxeFX II ->   Macbook pro (USB) 
Blue Snowball Mic ->  Macbook pro (USB)  --> Aggregate device  (Axe + Snowball)

I end up with the vocals and guitar on the same track in GarageBand. Trying to align the backing track to the performance track is very difficult and error prone. The other issue is that I can't get the drum beats I want through GarageBand because it uses a piano roll editor that is so hard to use that I can't really make music. Plus there's no double kick.

Sometimes I get digital effects of the AxeFX on my skype calls or in YT videos. And my friend told me that I needed an audio interface.

I want to record my original music an cover tunes and I don't know anything. I learn best by doing, and not by buying. Guitar center just wants to sell me stuff, so they're no use to me.
What is this? I don't know anything about audio routing or production.

I see a mixer here:—

I have
Guitar -> AxeFX II ->   Macbook pro (USB)
Blue Snowball Mic ->  Macbook pro (USB)  --> Aggregate device  (Axe + Snowball)

I end up with the vocals and guitar on the same track in GarageBand. Trying to align the backing track to the performance track is very difficult and error prone. The other issue is that I can't get the drum beats I want through GarageBand because it uses a piano roll editor that is so hard to use that I can't really make music. Plus there's no double kick.

Sometimes I get digital effects of the AxeFX on my skype calls or in YT videos. And my friend told me that I needed an audio interface.

I want to record my original music an cover tunes and I don't know anything. I learn best by doing, and not by buying. Guitar center just wants to sell me stuff, so they're no use to me.

I have an Onyx 1620i

Mac Pro <-- Firewire --> 1620i
Mac Pro <-- USB --> Axe-II
Axe-II Output1 <-- pair of mono jack cables --> 1620i
Yamaha studio monitors <-- jack cables --> 1620i

in the Mac I create an aggregate interface that includes both the Axe-II and the 1620i
during playback [from Logic or iTunes] I hear all audio from the Mac in mixer channels 15/16 on the 1620i
when I play guitar I hear the Axe-II via Output1 jacks in mixer channels 13/14 on the 1620i [so there is zero latency]

when I record the dry guitar in Logic I hear:
the backing track / song from the Mac in mixer channels 15/16 on the 1620i
the wet guitar via Output1 jacks in mixer channels 13/14 on the 1620i
Logic records the dry guitar via the USB [which I never hear]

when I reamp from the Axe-II to Logic I hear:
the backing track / song from the Mac in mixer channels 15/16 on the 1620i
the wet guitar via Output1 jacks in mixer channels 13/14 on the 1620i
Logic records the wet [reamped] guitar via the USB [which I never hear from Logic]

after reamping I hear:
the backing track / song, plus the newly recorded [reamped] guitar track from the Mac in mixer channels 15/16 on the 1620i
You need Logic Pro X. If you are remotely serious about recording, GarageBand is not your tool. I know you said you're not into purchasing, but Logic Pro X is one of the most powerful DAWS I've ever used, and it's literally a 'steal' in the app store - $200. I paid over $1000 for Logic Pro in the day.
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