USB B cable stability


As you know USB-B cables can put stress on the socket and various approaches can be taken to help alleviate the problem. Since the USB-A port is much more stable than the B port I decided to try using the A port as an anchor for the B port.

It doesn’t fix the problem but it does help to stabilize the cable. Using a rubber-band to bind the plugs helps. But as can be seen in the first picture there is still some stress placed on the USB-B cable. Using a piece cut from a kitchen sponge as a spacer firms things up nicely.

Definitely low tech but it does provide a use for the presently vestigial USB-A port :) By the way, is there a way to preview posts before posting them?


This seems to put way more force on the usb port than just plugging the cable in ...
It doesn’t :) But you would have to try it yourself to see that was the case.

Because this is low tech anyone can try it. I can’t imagine anyone these days not having a USB-A cable and some rubber-bands. And some toilet paper wadded up could serve as the spacer.
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Having gone through issues with the USB port myself, I have wondered about this. Are the USB ports as durable as 1/4” over time in terms of constant repatching after every gig? I hope I just had a one off bad experience with it.

Sean Meredith-Jones
Having gone through issues with the USB port myself, I have wondered about this. Are the USB ports as durable as 1/4” over time in terms of constant repatching after every gig? I hope I just had a one off bad experience with it.

Sean Meredith-Jones
What motivated me to try this was having had a USB-B port fail on a HX Stomp that fortunately was under warranty. And my impression is that our experience isn’t that uncommon. The B port seems to have been designed for things like printers where you would plug the cable in and it would stay there forever. The design for the A port seems to have given more consideration to a life of constant plugging and unplugging.
I have put a small usb extender cable on mine, and tie wrapped the socket onto my board so I am plugging in and out of the extension cable not the socket on the unit itself.
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