Updating the Axe Fx with Protoold Mbox Pro 2


Is it possible to update the Axe Fx using the Protools Mbox Pro 2 interface ? it has a midi cable. is it possible ? has anybody done it ?
Yes it is, I have used my MBOX 2 Pro to update my Ultra, I used SYSEX librarian and had to drop the transmit speed to about 75%
I use mine all the time. I have to use Bome's however, nothing else seems to work as consistently as Bome's.
SysEX librarian is a midi utility, used for sending and receiving sysEx files. which is what the Axe Uses.

I don't think you can use pro tools to send a sysex file though .

So you'll need one of these utilities.
SYSEX Librarian is free and I think it's Mac only:
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