Univibe in Stereo


New Member
Hi all!
Before I was in the Fractal World, I had a Bluguitar Amp1 for my Sound and a Line6 HX Stomp for Modulation and time based effects. I went stereo then as well...
The HX Stomp had quite a good Univibe sound in there which is in stereo. Not only with panner, "real"stereo.
My question is, if there is someone who can tell me or something I can do to achieve that same absolutely beautiful wide and lush sound...
Thanks in advance...
Depends on what you mean by “real” stereo. Tell us what that means, and we’ll see what we can come up with.
well, kind of a 3D sound.... like a mix of a TriChorus and Leslie... swirling... if you know what I mean.... If I had a sound example I would upload it here....
well, kind of a 3D sound.... like a mix of a TriChorus and Leslie... swirling... if you know what I mean.... If I had a sound example I would upload it here....
Without knowing what they did, or at least hearing a sample, it’s hard to know what the target is. There are many ways to impart different kinds of swirl.

Meanwhile, what @Admin M@ suggested above would be a great place to start.
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