Ultra Presets to Axe II?


New Member
Hello everyone. I suposse this thread has already been posted but I have a doubt. I´m gonna buy a new Axe II instead of my old Ultra. I wonder if is there any way to convert my Ultra´s presets into Axe II presets? Or will I have to remake them once again from zero? Thanks!!
Rebuild from zero. I would use a DAW to make recordings using both units to compare EQ differences—Logic's "Match EQ" is so useful. Gain/tone differences can be done via spectrograms, but I do just fine using only my ears.
I wonder if is there any way to convert my Ultra´s presets into Axe II presets? Or will I have to remake them once again from zero? Thanks!!
No! There is no simple method (or program). You will have to build from scratch, but you can use the Ultra preset settings as guidelines. They values will likely not match as new features (and now MIMIC) have been added over the last 2 yrs...
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