Ultra or AXE-FX II


The prices on the Ultra are coming down quite a bit. I've been looking at them for quite some time but just didn't move on any decision. Ive seen some Ultra's going for $1400-1500 on Ebay.

I realize the II is a lot more powerful and has some other cool things to offer but I was wondering from all of those Ultra users, is this a good time to get the Ultra or would it be better to save up more and get the II?


I dunno.... Cliff's clip that he posted and his post about VVT's ability to process the bloom of tube tone was enough to convince me that I'm saving my money for the II.
If you are a connoisseur of tube amps and are convinced that no modeler can sound like a real tube amp, then save up for an FXII. Ditto if you feel a need to have the latest tech.

Otherwise you might want to take advantage of the glut of Ultras on the market.

Here is how you should decide. Flip a coin: heads buy an Ultra, tails save for an FXII. If you are disappointed by the result then do the opposite. Note the lack of an emoticon here.
it really depends how much $$$ you want to spend. if you can muster up $2200 then, by all means, get the II. $1,500 for an ultra is an incredible deal though. it's definitely a great time to buy used and save $700.
For me, getting either means that I need to sell my VHT and if I'm selling that thing, I'm getting the top of the line.
when pentium 4 computers or quad core computers came out did you say well ill just buy a pentium 2 or a single core? when flat screens came out did you say Ill stick with my zenith 8000 pound black and white in a humongous console with built in record player and sears speakers? of course im being extreme but get the idea? you can save a bunch of money and get good sounds out of a ton of stuff but it wont be the axe 2.
You would not be disappointed with an Ultra and I think that Cliff will continue to provide updates for it. However, if money isn't an issue and you are buying one device to replace your amps then go for the II. If money is an issue or you are mostly an amp guy then go for the Utra. The Ultra is amazing. I sold most of my amps after getting one. You might do the same but you would want to check it out first to see if it works for you.
The ultra has, and will continue, to serve 1,000's of users to the highest level. It's an amazing box, the AxeFX II is just that bit better. So I guess, it's all down to personal preference.
The ultra has, and will continue, to serve 1,000's of users to the highest level. It's an amazing box, the AxeFX II is just that bit better. So I guess, it's all down to personal preference.

That's exactly right. Same goes for the Standard. Some folks need to go back to the Fractal Artist page and re-read the comments by some of the most discerning players in the business: words like flawless used for the existing technology. I may in fact go to the new processor for fun, but there is no way the existing hardware and firmware are in any way 2nd class or a serious compromise.

Get the II. Warranty, longer lifetime of significant updates from this point, native USB including simultaneous stereo wet/dry recording, better control, better modeling, even better construction and components, removable rack ears... it's the best and worth it.
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The advantages of the II are the processing power, new modeling paradigm (VVT), user friendly features, increased ease of dialing it in, and future development potential.

With that said, the Ultra is still an excellent multi effects modeling preamp and if $1,500-$1,600 is as much as you want to spend you'll be getting a heck of a unit that, at this point, is still the best thing you can go out and buy. It's no slouch by a long shot and will always be a great unit no matter what comes out in the future.

If you can see spending the extra money, I'd get the Axe II, but if you want the biggest bang for the buck, the Ultra is available at record low prices and most users will only scratch the surface of its potential.

From TGP - and I could not have said it better if I tried. So I didn't. :D
The comparisons on sound are comical. Prior to the release of the II everyone talked about how realistic the sounds were and how it sounded just like the comparable amps, etc. Suddenly, since the announcement, some people give the impression that the Ultra wasn't all that. My guess is that from the sound and effects standpoint that either will suit 90%+ of peoples needs and desires.

Where it seems the II could really shine are the areas that were lacking in the Ultra. Namely the USB connectivity. Only you can decide if that inconvenience of working with MIDI is worth the extra ~$700.
The comparisons on sound are comical. Prior to the release of the II everyone talked about how realistic the sounds were and how it sounded just like the comparable amps, etc. Suddenly, since the announcement, some people give the impression that the Ultra wasn't all that. My guess is that from the sound and effects standpoint that either will suit 90%+ of peoples needs and desires.

Where it seems the II could really shine are the areas that were lacking in the Ultra. Namely the USB connectivity. Only you can decide if that inconvenience of working with MIDI is worth the extra ~$700.

I don't think anyone is saying the Ultra isn't still awesome...in fact I haven't seen that at all. They're just commenting that the Axe II is BETTER than the Ultra. I can't agree with them...yet. I haven't heard the Axe-Fx II in person, so I can't say whether it truly is that much better or not. From the recordings I've heard (Thanks, Scott), it seems to be very promising and I'm looking forward to my Axe-Fx II. My Ultra is still serving me well until it arrives and it's better than it was only a couple weeks ago thanks to the v11 firmware.

For me, the USB connectivity and re-amping capabilities are the "pudding" so to speak. I also like the impedance matching feature...very very cool. It will be nice to have a single connection to my DAW for recording guitars and re-amping them, oh yeah and for firmware updates and Axe-Edit. All of the different things you can do with the USB connection are probably the #1 upgrade beside the extra horsepower and better algorithms.
Even if the Axe FX II sounds exactly the same (which by all accounts it doesn't) it's still a better unit due to hardware and usability improvements and much more. To say it's not better than an Ultra is silly IMO. Whether you need the better is a matter of personal choice.

my suggestion is not to jump on the bandwagon just because everything looks awesome on paper/specs and everyone loves the idea of an AFX2. yes there a few clips that sound great, but lot's of Ultra clips that sound equally great. if you're not in a big hurry, wait a bit, listen to clips once they become available (when people actually own them for a while and are familiar with the differences) also thirdparty reviews once the unit hits the market. compare the two, and if you perceive a $700 difference in sound quality then go for it. $700 in your pocket can get you lots of other goodies. Just my opinion on all the hype. take with grain of salt

this reminds me of all the older threads re: ''should i buy the standard or the ultra''...
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