I'm curious, I'm pretty new to this board.

Do we ever get any kind of "pre-alert" of what is going to be on the next release before it comes out & any kind of ballpark idea of when it may be released?

Yes, I know it would ramp up the anticipation, but its nice to look forward to something & know when it may be coming.

I really liked the last release... excited about what else is in store!!

Thank you Cliff for all the neat stuff you have done.

Anthony Sims
There is no real pre-alert message of any kind. It's usually more like Cliff tell us a new feature is being worked on then all 1 million of us swarm on that thread like piranha after a drop of blood. Then we ask a million questions trying to trick cliff into giving more info. Then we cry for a month… then firmware arrives ahhhhhhh lol.
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