Ty Tabor Talk

That’s cool I’m glad they’re able to adapt. He’s got a great tone either way
Not knocking it, it's just not as impactful for those that want to trip down memory lane ;). Ty has a very unique way of playing that is his own and that counts for sure!
The first time I saw them was at the State theater in Detroit, maybe '97-'98. Every decent musician in the Detroit area was lined up in the freezing rain waiting to get in. I remember some guys from Horse, Sponge, oh, and one of the best bass players in the area, William Pope the III. What a show! Doug played that crazy 12-string Hammer bass. I think it was a Hammer, anyway. Amazing.
I saw them at the Ritz in Roseville years ago, maybe around 1990 or late '80s. And yes, was blown away how tight they were.
Westland!!! :)

Been there many times.
I saw Kings X in May, 2018 at a tiny place called the Token Lounge. I was literally about 6 feet from his amp. He had a rack plugged into an Orange Crush Pro 120 2-12 combo. He's such an amazing player. I think he's very under-rated.
My band opened for them that year at The Music Factory in Battle Creek. Good times!
Look at the Motor City folk rerpresentin' in this thread. :)

I have seen King's X twice at Harpo's. Faith, Hope, & Love Tour with Eric Gales
opening and the King's X Tour with Galactic Cowboys opening. Also saw them
in Grand Rapids in the mid 90's.
Ty's tone from the classic albums has 3 main components that essentially has very little in common with later live tones and clips. The only way to come close to those classic tones is by using single coils, you'll never get the chime and massive cut he gets on a humbucker. The closest way to achieve that is with the TBX control in the Clapton Strats. The Elite's were an early version of that preamp, it added a ton of glassy highs as well as a hefty mid push when the boost was dialed in. I remember reading he mentioned he even had this circuit mounted into an external box so he could try to run other guitars thru it. The next side is where you're coping either the L5 tone or the Rectifier tone and they're completely different from each other and not really interchangeable. Best advice I can give is use a Strat or Tele. You need that openness of a single coil combined with the cut, otherwise it's just way to o compressed and heavy. YMMV.
I saw them at the House of Blues in Chicago, and they sounded so good! Tapehead had just come out. He was on 🔥 that night! I can't get his early tone or Dogman, I really would like to cop his tone on Earcandy, or Tapehead. I guess that is Mesas at that time... I haven't seen any presets around for Tabor's tone though. Can't imagine playing Summerland, Box, or Groove Machine with that monster tone! Awesome!

I think they are getting good enough sales to chart really good for Three Sides of One. It's different, I mean you know they are going mix it up somehow. They said in an interview they wanted to mix each song to stand on its own – and they mixed them separately, so there are some jumps around sonically and mood-wise on the album, like a bunch of singles or songs. Beatles did that on the White Album especially. I think it works well, I like this album a lot. Knowing it is their last is bittersweet, but I am glad the guys are getting paid and negotiated a good deal. I like all their albums. I was 15 and my guitar teacher turned me on to them when Gretchen had just come out. I quickly got their first CD and ever since I've been following them. I can't believe the lack of support they have gotten as far as marketing. I didn't even know XV came out until about 6 months later. If it wasn't for the internet....
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Yeah, that doesn't really sound like any of the classic Ty Tabor tones to my ears either. I personally loved his Dogman era dual rectifier tones the most, but his old tones with the Lab L5 were also pretty cool and quite unlike anyone else out there. These Orange amplifiers sound muffled to me.
When he is playing at first, he plays a couple riffs off songs from Three Sides of One! That part is cool, but I agree about his tone and that Orange is not it. He does sound like Ty Tabor though, which is awesome.
Let’s be honest, they have been phoning it in for the last decade. Can only tune down so low. Total lack of harmonies live is killing it for me. Long time fan, have seen them many times at the peak of their powers. I still support them though.
They even admit to that, not just phoning it in, but recording albums in pretty dark depression... with an attitude or belief that literally no one cares, so why are we even doing this/what are we doing here? XV was released in May, 2008! You can do the math, 14 YEARS between that and likely their last album.
Let’s be honest, they have been phoning it in for the last decade. Can only tune down so low. Total lack of harmonies live is killing it for me. Long time fan, have seen them many times at the peak of their powers. I still support them though.

Kings X is known for covering those harmonies on the albums live thanks to the fact that everyone of them is a great singer.

I’ve not seen them live in person, but on Youtube, their live performances that I’ve seen always had Doug, Ty and Jerry singing all those harmonies.

Kings X is known for covering those harmonies on the albums live thanks to the fact that everyone of them is a great singer.

I’ve not seen them live in person, but on Youtube, their live performances that I’ve seen always had Doug, Ty and Jerry singing all those harmonies.
Recently? Last ten, fifteen years? I’ve seen them many many times live. Progressively getting worse. I could give examples but they are easy enough to find. Live it really started to trail off after the Mr. Bulbous tour.

Again love them, but they are fighting the marching on of time. It happens.

New cd? More jammy on the spot type tunes. Sounds like it was recorded in five different studios. They stretch themselves very thin by having so many side projects. But hey you have to pay the bills somehow.

Still would love to have the L5 in the axe someday.
Recently? Last ten, fifteen years? I’ve seen them many many times live. Progressively getting worse. I could give examples but they are easy enough to find. Live it really started to trail off after the Mr. Bulbous tour.

Again love them, but they are fighting the marching on of time. It happens.

New cd? More jammy on the spot type tunes. Sounds like it was recorded in five different studios. They stretch themselves very thin by having so many side projects. But hey you have to pay the bills somehow.

Still would love to have the L5 in the axe someday.
They purposely mixed each song separately on Three Sides of One. They sing fine and aren’t tuned down every song. They recorded another album only because the record label approached them and they negotiated a deal after never even being profitable.

Sorry I as far as I know everyone who actually knows them personally says each of the three are great human beings.
They purposely mixed each song separately on Three Sides of One. They sing fine and aren’t tuned down every song. They recorded another album only because the record label approached them and they negotiated a deal after never even being profitable.

Sorry I as far as I know everyone who actually knows them personally says each of the three are great human beings.
Sure they are, met them a bunch. I want them to succeed, just need material like Gretchen.
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