Ty Tabor Talk


Power User
Pretty recent video and maybe makes it more possible to nail a Ty Tabor tone but this doesn’t really sound like Ty to me from multiple Kings X albums. Thoughts?

i dont believe anything recorded by ty tabor was every via orange amps. he had mentioned he played them when he was very young. his signature sound is the egnater preamps. that's where i'd start to figure out his tone. it's kind of hard to nail down though because it's just an overall nice tone. nothing too particular about it.
i dont believe anything recorded by ty tabor was every via orange amps. he had mentioned he played them when he was very young. his signature sound is the egnater preamps. that's where i'd start to figure out his tone. it's kind of hard to nail down though because it's just an overall nice tone. nothing too particular about it.
I know. I more so meant his most or more recent material since it seems he plays Oranges now and we have oranges in the fractal world
Yeah, doesn't sound really anything like Ty's tone on any records. Looks like more of a paid endorsement by Orange and I think he uses the live now a bit. He has used the L5's, Dual Rectifiers and Egnaters in the past to my knowledge live and on albums. I thought him and Dug even used Axe-Fx Standards or Ultras at one point. But, really...the L5 is the tone he is best known for.
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Yeah, that doesn't really sound like any of the classic Ty Tabor tones to my ears either. I personally loved his Dogman era dual rectifier tones the most, but his old tones with the Lab L5 were also pretty cool and quite unlike anyone else out there. These Orange amplifiers sound muffled to me.
Yeah for me, it's all about the L5 tones on the first three albums. One of these days I'll figure out how to reproduce that....

But any I'm all for any chance to see and hear Ty play :)
I saw Kings X in May, 2018 at a tiny place called the Token Lounge. I was literally about 6 feet from his amp. He had a rack plugged into an Orange Crush Pro 120 2-12 combo. He's such an amazing player. I think he's very under-rated.

Westland!!! :)

Been there many times.
Let’s be honest, they have been phoning it in for the last decade. Can only tune down so low. Total lack of harmonies live is killing it for me. Long time fan, have seen them many times at the peak of their powers. I still support them though.
First time I ever saw them was in the early 90’s in Myrtle Beach. To this day it was THE most amazing bass sound I’ve ever heard live or recorded. DuG was just spot freaking on.

Ty already has a new solo album out in 2022. The tones from the 1st song released on
this album are far gainier than even the Dogman tones, to my ears anyways.

Ty already has a new solo album out in 2022. The tones from the 1st song released on
this album are far gainier than even the Dogman tones, to my ears anyways.

It’s a good album. But the tone I hear from the video I linked above isn’t what I hear on this record lmao
I think Ty has moved on from the older Kings X sounds. When he plays the older stuff on tour it's more of a suggestion than a recreation of it. With DuG's voice change everything is dropped to the point where it wont sound the same anyway.
I think Ty has moved on from the older Kings X sounds. When he plays the older stuff on tour it's more of a suggestion than a recreation of it. With DuG's voice change everything is dropped to the point where it wont sound the same anyway.
That’s cool I’m glad they’re able to adapt. He’s got a great tone either way
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