Two amps, drive block in front of one amp. How to fix phase?


Power User
Using two amp block, but only having a drive pedal on front of one amp, causes a slight delay. How to fix this sub-millisecond delay to get rid of the phasey sound?
1. If you have the cab block placed right after the amps, set its input mode to stereo and use the align tab to slightly delay one amp (with the two amp blocks hard panned and using 2 IR slots center panned)

2. Use the classic enhancer placed right after hard panned amps, the R channel will be delayed by an amount set by the depth parameter (it goes from 0 to 25 ms iirc), you can collapss to mono via the width control.

3. Put a digital chorus before the amp block with no drive in front, mix set at 100% and no modulation (depth at 0), and use the delay time.

There are probably other ways to do it, these are the first that came to mind.
It would work but drive block at mix 0 still does a lot.
Sure? When I used it that way it worked nicely. I just copied the same drive block to the other block and mix at 0% and it sounded identical to drive block off.
Sure? When I used it that way it worked nicely. I just copied the same drive block to the other block and mix at 0% and it sounded identical to drive block off.
Maybe it depends on which drive you're using, but iirc even with the mix at 0% you'd still get the frequency response of the drive block. Maybe in your case it was a pretty "flat" model.

Put a compressor or second drive in bypass mode in front of the second amp
Are you sure they still introduce latency when they're bypassed?
Anyway a comp with mix at 0 might work fine if it has the same latency as the drive block... need to test this
I can give you the equivalent of how we handle it in the studio and also minimize your cpu usage.

Put in a delay block on the non-drive side. Select digital mono, set mix to 100% and feedback to zero. Adjust your delay from 1ms on until you have mitigated phase cancellation effects.

The other advantage is a delay block set to 1 or 3 ms is pretty obvious in its purpose and you aren’t as likely to forget why you have it there.
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