Tutorial for updating MFC 101 Firmware via Midi Ox on Windows 7?

Hey Cobbler,

Sorry I should have clarified, i'm trying to use the Axe 2 as my midi device via USB. I tried sending the file with the buffer set at both 90 and 60 milliseconds but the first time i got an error 13 and just now an error 6 :/
you can follow my steps but at the part where i hook it up to my midi out on my interface you would just...

  1. Connect the Axe-Fx II to your computer, through USB.
  2. In the Axe-Fx II's MIDI menu, set SendRealtimeSysex to NONE, and UsbAdapterMode to ON.
  3. Power down the Axe-Fx II.
  4. Connect the Axe-Fx II's MIDI-OUT to the MFC-101's MIDI-IN with a 5-pin MIDI cable.
  5. Power on the Axe-FX II.
  6. Power on the MFC-101 by reconnecting Cat5 cable, while holding down footswitch 1 (enters firmware update mode).
Does it start to send then you get the error?

You can play around with those settings. Start at 40 and try increments of 10 up to 120. Systems seem to react differently.

I can check it out tomorrow using the II rather than my interface and see what happens. I'll either update my thread or make a video.
Yes the firmware update will start and get to 99% and then an error 6 appears right after. Do the increments for Delay between buffers and Delay after F7 need to match or am i only adjusting the former?
I just had luck using AXEII as midi device,axe edit open but sending the sysex with MIDIOX (256/15,128/16,check "delay after f7")
Only had MFC midi in cabled to AXEII midi out,unplugged 8 pin/ethernet and used power supply

pretty much just like YEK told me too.....axe edit probably didn't need to be open but it was
Grab a beer and try it!

Yeks MFC-101 How-Tos page - Fractal Audio Systems Wiki

"To upgrade using the Axe-Fx II as a USB-to-MIDI MIDI adapter: Source

Connect the Axe-Fx II to your computer, through USB.
In the Axe-Fx II's MIDI menu, set SendRealtimeSysex to NONE, and UsbAdapterMode to ON.
Power down the Axe-Fx II.
Connect the Axe-Fx II's MIDI-OUT to the MFC-101's MIDI-IN with a 5-pin MIDI cable.
Power on the Axe-FX II.
Power on the MFC-101 by reconnecting Cat5 cable, while holding down footswitch 1 (enters firmware update mode).
Send the new firmware with a MIDI librarian, such as MIDI-OX or SysEx Librarian, from your computer to the Axe-Fx II.
Power down the MFC-101 and Axe-Fx II.
Remove the MIDI cable.
Power on the Axe-Fx II.
In the Axe-Fx II's MIDI menu, set SendRealtimeSysex to the desired value, and UsbAdapterMode to OFF.

An upgrade may require you to reset the MFC-101 to its factory settings. If so, it will be stated in the release notes. To reset the MFC-101, power on while holding switch #11. Note: this will cause you to lose your configured settings! You can save these on forehand and restore these afterwards.

MIDI utilities may need to be configured to work "slowly" in order to perform a successful upgrade. For example, in MIDI-OX set Low Level I/O Buffers to 256 or 128 (size) and 16 (number), Milliseconds Between Buffers to 60 ms, and make sure the Delay after F7 setting is ticked. Use View > Sysex to bring up the Sysex view window, then go to Sysex > Configure to configure the buffers. Also verify that the options MIDI FIlter and Pass Sysex are ticked.

If you're experiencing problems, open the Utility > Preset page on the Axe-Fx, because this makes sure the Axe-Fx is not sending out stuff which could interfere with the update process."
It's weird Chris, my pedal just says Error 14 whenever I turn it on now :( Each time I try updating firmware it gets stuck at a certain percentage while midi ox will continue to transfer files
Yes the firmware update will start and get to 99% and then an error 6 appears right after. Do the increments for Delay between buffers and Delay after F7 need to match or am i only adjusting the former?

They should match. Try with them both at 60. Others have had to change them to 90 for their systems. you can try starting at 60 and increments of 10 and see what happens.

I'll play with it tomorrow using the II as the interface and make a video.
Finally got 'er to update! woo! Cobbler you are a gentleman and scholar as always good sir haha, thanks!

You should post what settings worked for you so others who have the same issue my benefit.

I updated my thread to include step by step using the II as the MIDI adaptor. See post 49 on the Update help link in my sig.
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They should match. Try with them both at 60. Others have had to change them to 90 for their systems. you can try starting at 60 and increments of 10 and see what happens.

I'll play with it tomorrow using the II as the interface and make a video.

I matched them 90 to 90.. I did that before and for some reason it didn't complete but after going back and forth between different variations 90 and 90 decided to work :/
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