Wish Turn off scene LEDS when not in use


New Member
I use a new preset every song on my FM9 and use a scene for every part of the song (intro, verse, chorus, bridge, ...).
I seldom use up every scene, so it would be nice if there was an option to make the LEDs turn off for the scenes that I don't use. For instance when I give them a certain name?
All scenes are always available from the unit’s point of view. You can use Per-Preset Override switches to make those unused scene switches available for something else, somewhat getting rid of the LEDs.
Got it, but it would be an interesting concept and somewhat easy to implement if we could manually turn off certain scenes per preset if we don't use them.
Got it, but it would be an interesting concept and somewhat easy to implement if we could manually turn off certain scenes per preset if we don't use them.
Scenes aren’t ever “off” currently so it would be a major change to how it fundamentally works to make that happen, perhaps not easy to implement.

The issue isn’t the scenes, it’s the foot switches. Since the number of scenes you use are per preset, just assign a blank PerPreset Override to the switches you aren’t using and Save.
Or name the scene with just a dash or something like that. The light will still be there, but with an obviously "not used" name it should be pretty clear.
I use a new preset every song on my FM9 and use a scene for every part of the song (intro, verse, chorus, bridge, ...).
I seldom use up every scene, so it would be nice if there was an option to make the LEDs turn off for the scenes that I don't use. For instance when I give them a certain name?
Remember that you are free to make the footswitches be whatever you want them to be. You can even set up a footswitch layout to show scenes, presets and effects all at once.
Scenes aren’t ever “off” currently so it would be a major change to how it fundamentally works to make that happen, perhaps not easy to implement.

The issue isn’t the scenes, it’s the foot switches. Since the number of scenes you use are per preset, just assign a blank PerPreset Override to the switches you aren’t using and Save.
Pro tip: you can assign the same blank PPO to all of the switches you want to blank out. No need to set up a different one for each....
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