

I am using my Ultra as an effects unit with my Mark amps and it work like a champ. The problem that I am having is when I use my tuner and or the volume block, I can still hear distorted sound coming out of my cabinets. It's not loud in comparison to the overall volume but still rather annoying. Is there something I am doing wrong?

Welcome to the Mesa parallel fx loop. I struggled with that for years with my mesa amps, even had them modded to have the "brutal" loop which supposedly wired it in series. The problem is that you will never get the loop to be 100% wet so there will always be a bit of bleed-through from amp to cab. It is most noticeable when muted (tuner) or when doing volume swells at low volumes (sounds like phasing).
Even when I had my fx loops modded to be serial I still got a tiny bit of bleed. The only fx loop that was dead quiet that I have ever used in an amp was a Diezel VH4 and surprisingly a Peavey Classic 30. The only way to avoid the problem that I know of is to use the Axe-Fx as a preamp into the fx return and use the Mark series amp on the clean channel so it is less noticeable. Other than that someone else may have more insight.
Ringleader said:
Even when I had my fx loops modded to be serial I still got a tiny bit of bleed. The only fx loop that was dead quiet that I have ever used in an amp was a Diezel VH4 and surprisingly a Peavey Classic 30. The only way to avoid the problem that I know of is to use the Axe-Fx as a preamp into the fx return and use the Mark series amp on the clean channel so it is less noticeable. Other than that someone else may have more insight.

When I try to use the axe pre amps with my mesas I get a major hiss issue, so I have pretty much givin up on that idea.

Mesa's serial effects loops always had some amount of leakage.
I never owned a Mesa with a parallel loop so I can't speak to those.
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