Wish Tuner - Trigger Tuner Source (Input) via MIDI CC


New Member
I love my Axe FX and your awesome product care! That's why I'm daring to share a few ideas that some of you might also find helpful.

I use an AXE FX III Mark 2 unit for two instruments (guitar & bass) and would find it helpful to be able to control the tuner's "source" (= Tuner Input) via MIDI CC to trigger (additionally) the "Tuner Source" in certain passages from a DAW. (In the first half of the break the guitarist tunes (input 2), in the second half the bassist tunes (input 3). Without the guys having to think about whether they have the volume turned down or not...)

Another idea is to integrate a name in the tuner window that depends on the respective input, i.e. Input 1 = "ZAC", Input 2 = "MARIO", etc., maybe you can also color the name...
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