Tuner Still Not Working With MFC

Bill Piersall

Posted earlier, but I guess the post was removed. I have an Axe2 running 9.02 and a new MFC-101 now running 2.15. All factory defaults for MFC. When I press IA17, the tuner comes up on the front panel of the Axe2, but the display on the MFC says "Waiting For Tuner". Can't get the tuner to display on MFC. I tried to search the forum for "Tuner not working on MFC", but didn't seem to find a solution. Any help would be greatly appreciated,
Posted earlier, but I guess the post was removed. I have an Axe2 running 9.02 and a new MFC-101 now running 2.15. All factory defaults for MFC. When I press IA17, the tuner comes up on the front panel of the Axe2, but the display on the MFC says "Waiting For Tuner". Can't get the tuner to display on MFC. I tried to search the forum for "Tuner not working on MFC", but didn't seem to find a solution. Any help would be greatly appreciated,

Got It! I didn't turn back on the Send Realtime Sysex function. Sorry for second post, been at this for hours now, lol, finally the the DUH! light came on.
Got It! I didn't turn back on the Send Realtime Sysex function. Sorry for second post, been at this for hours now, lol, finally the the DUH! light came on.
Don't feel bad, be there done that myself.
Your right it just hit's you, duh!
I had a similar problem. A guy in the boards named Chris suggested the following:

"In the axe I/O - Midi menu, turn Send real time sysex to All. It's probably set to None right now. You need the real time data for tuner and tap."

Try that for starters. Also search for my thread on the MFC.

Hope that helps.
I moved my Tuner button from IA17 (where it works perfectly) to my External Switch 2. Works there too BUT it doesnt show on my MFC. It mutes output and shows up on the AXE with no problem. I had this working before in previous firmware but must forgot some parameter somewhere.

Any ideas?

I have a similar issue: pressing AI 17 on the MFC brings up the "waiting for tuner" message on the MFC, but nothing at all happens on the LCD for the AxeII. Did triple check that I/O MIDI is set to realtime sysex ALL - but still not working. I have the most recent firmware for the MFC and AXE.

Any ideas on how to make this simple tuner function work - by foot controller switch 17, and corresponding tuner display on the AXE?


I have a similar issue: pressing AI 17 on the MFC brings up the "waiting for tuner" message on the MFC, but nothing at all happens on the LCD for the AxeII. Did triple check that I/O MIDI is set to realtime sysex ALL - but still not working. I have the most recent firmware for the MFC and AXE.

Any ideas on how to make this simple tuner function work - by foot controller switch 17, and corresponding tuner display on the AXE?


how are you connecting the mfc and axe? if it's via midi cable, sometimes midi cables "cheat" and don't have all 5 pins wired, only 3. i'm pretty sure the axe needs all 5.
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