Tuner Issues AXE 3

So I was in the studio last night recording and was checking the Fractal tuner against Peterson Phot Strobe as I felt the Fractal wasn't doing its job and its was decently off. Anyone else experience this or know of a solution? All help is appreciated.
How high are you running the CPU? I have notice my Axe III MkII’s tuner gets weird in my one preset that can jump up to 82%, but it functions totally fine in presets with less CPU load
in my one preset that can jump up to 82%,

At that CPU you wouldn't notice a difference. As you exceed 85-90% resources start to become critical. That 10-15% has to get divided up among all the lower priority threads: USB, display, controllers, foot controller(s), LED, etc., etc. as well as pitch detection. Pitch detection is a higher priority thread but you can't get blood from a stone.

The manual says don’t go over 80%. I suspect that pushing the CPU % is affecting the tuner reliability.

A few firmware updates back changes were made to improve the tuner’s stability. It might be more sensitive to pushing the CPU now.

Try switching to the first factory preset, or an empty preset, and see what happens when comparing the tuners.
The manual says don’t go over 80%. I suspect that pushing the CPU % is affecting the tuner reliability.

A few firmware updates back changes were made to improve the tuner’s stability. It might be more sensitive to pushing the CPU now.

Try switching to the first factory preset, or an empty preset, and see what happens when comparing the tuners.
Very aware that’s why my tuner gets weird. It’s a kitchen sink preset, that only hits that when I use a specific reverb and both drive blocks. It’s all good below 80%, but I wonder if that is the original problem in this thread
Very aware that’s why my tuner gets weird. It’s a kitchen sink preset, that only hits that when I use a specific reverb and both drive blocks. It’s all good below 80%, but I wonder if that is the original problem in this thread
It's difficult to tell. The OP doesn't really tell us enough.
When the tuner's default input is set to all, if there is a cable plugged to an input but not to an instrument, the tuner naturally gives incorrect responses. This was the only issue I experienced with the tuner so far, which is actually not an issue.
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