Tuby Ooze


Random question, but I'd love to hear what parameters you guys boost or accentuate for as much as possible of that organic woody, oozy tube warmth? I chase this more than that "in the room" tone everyone talks about. For me, I've been putting the room and room level in the cab block to 100 and 10. Also supply sag to 100. Any other tips? Thanks!
The tube sound is already emulated pretty good. Those room parameters you adjusted are actually getting you a more "in the room" feel so that may actually be what you are going for.Try the enhancer, it may help give you what you need!
Adjusting that stuff doesn't make it sound more tubey though, it makes it sound less tubey but maybe better to your ears. At least if by tubey you mean more like a real tube amp.
Random question, but I'd love to hear what parameters you guys boost or accentuate for as much as possible of that organic woody, oozy tube warmth?
Could you post a video or audio clip to give us a better idea of what you're looking for?
Power amp and guitar cab give you the amp in the room because literally that's what you have. That's why so many users use the Axe method of out 1 direct with cab sims and out 2 (FXL) to Power amp and Cab.

More tubey - sag is fun, master volume, compression in the amp block, saturation switch...etc. on and on. Plenty of parameters to mess with.
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