trying to use two guitars simultaniously

i'm trying to use two guitars simultaniously.

1: guitar - input 1 - cab sim - output 1
2: guitar - input 2 - cab sim - output 2

I've tried this yesterday but only point 1 is running.
Can you tell me, wich blocks i have to use in what order?
The reason is, i'm trying to compare the real mic sound from a real amp
with the line out sound of the same amp through the cap sim.
All this be done in a live situation with two guitarplayer playing simultaniously an me as the soundman.
I can switch between these two sounds while the band is playing and listen to the difference.

All this because, i wondered if the real mic'ed sound comes close to the processed of the Axe.

thanks frank
You need to use the feedback send and returns. Make sure you mix is all the way up on the return.


  • 10-2-2009 7-56-17 AM.jpg
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Thank you, it works!
This is the info I've been searching for.
But can you tell me in deep, what is going on here?
Why do you put the modules the way you showed here?
I understand the funktion of the loop as it represents the in2 and out2.
But what does the feedback send/return mean and where do they "sit" in the signl path?
There is not much explained in the manual an without your help, i didn't found the right connection, i think.

By the way, i started my experiment with only one guitar on friday night:

First i took off the signal from a JCM800 Combo at it's speaker out - D.I. Box - FOH Mixer.
I put the Axe on the Insert of the channel strip, like you do with a compressor or so, and choose only a cabinet.
To compare, there was a mic in front of the combo, feed to another channel.
So i switched between the real and the Axe, while the band was playing.
I must say, the result was pretty close, so i tried to go a step further.

Second i took off the signal from the Boss GT-8 right output (left goes still to the amp) and tried to model the whole JCM800 with cab and mic. After a little tweaking during the band playing, i got it in about 10 minutes.
I was very impressed, how close the sound of the Axe was in comparsion to the real amp.
So i switches between them and with eyes closed i could not tell witch channel was active.

This was a great experience and it made me believe, that buying the Axe was like choosing the right door opening to a new digital world.
What is happening is that the input from input 2 is routed to the loop block. You the send that signal to you effects (amp, cab, etc.). You then need a way to send that back out output 2. This is done through the loop block as well. To get that signal back to the loop block you send the signal after your effects chain and return it before the loop block.

The return sends its input to the fx loop block which outputs it through output 2
The fx loop block is getting its input from input 2.
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