trying to set up a 3rd expression pedal?


Power User
I calibrated the pedal on the mfc 101 and it still don't work
What am I missing? 1,2 work I'm trying to set up #3
Have you tried calibrating that pedal on #1 or #2? Might help point towards where the problem is.

Probably should try one of the peals that did calibrate in #3 as well.
I plugged pedal #2 into #3 and still nothing. The midi light doesn't light up when I move the pedal in #3 it lights up in #1,#2
Check the CC# that the MFC is transmitting on. I can't for the life of me remember where it is in the menu but Chris shows you in his MFC setup video (I'm sure it's that one)
So now anything i put on xp3, xp4 in the axe will go to expression pedal#3,#4
Also how can I make my volume pedal have a longer and more uniform action , now its full on and by the time your half way down on the pedal its off
I have most of my presets with Xp#1 for volume with vol/Pan block is there a way to level out the sweep of the pedal globally ?
Or do I need to do it to every preset
I think the taper parameter in the vol block is what you are looking for, but I think that's at preset level.

Different tapers volume up and down at different rates, Youll have to experiment and see which works best for you and your pedal.

I don't know if you can set that globally
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