TRUE BYPASS footswitch function


I’ve been using the FX8 for years, and I made the switch to the FM9 last about 7 months ago.

The thing I loved about my FX8 is that the FX8 had a dedicated TRUE BYPASS foot switch (F2) where it engaged TRUE BYPASS. The signals were shunted and a message would blink “TRUE BYPASS ACTIVATED”.

This came in handy when I selected a SCENE with lets just 3 effects on, and as soon as I was done, I could turn off all of the effects by pressing the TRUE BYPASS footswtich. This took all the effects out of the signal and all I heard was my amp. I could easily turn the effects back on by pressing the "TRUE BYPASS" button again.

The other cool thing about having the “TRUE BYPASS ACTIVATED” was that I could press the TUNER and I could tune my guitar live while still playing. I could still hear my guitar while tuning. This came in handy when my E string would go out of tune mid song and I could hold the note and tune it without having to stop playing.

I know I can make an empty scene with no effects in SCENE mode to mimic TRUE BYPASS, but I’d like to have a BYPASS switch while I’m EFFECTS mode. Here’s my question:

Is there a way to edit or create a “BYPASS” function on one of the switches? I've looked at all the categories and there doesn't seem to by a BYPASS function anywhere.
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Is there a way to edit or create a “BYPASS” function on one of the switches? I've looked at all the categories and there doesn't seem to by a BYPASS function anywhere.
There's a bypass function on almost every block in the grid. You have some choices:

1) Connect the Bypass function of each block to the same footswitch; or

2) Set up a scene with everything bypassed.
True Bypass was a feature of the FX8 due to its specific design for integration with real amps and pedals. Much of the FX8 was very different than any other product.

Honestly, a true bypass mode isn’t needed especially with these 3rd gen products regarding noise or “tone suck.”

Changing to a Scene with everything bypassed is a valid way to accomplish what you want. There is no other way (other than changing presets) to “bypass everything” since this gear is fully dependent on the foundation of a preset, while the FX8 had a focus on pedal/amp users who needed that feature to be there in order to consider trying a piece of gear.
There's a bypass function on almost every block in the grid. You have some choices:

1) Connect the Bypass function of each block to the same footswitch; or

2) Set up a scene with everything bypassed
Not sure how to do the first choice you suggested, but I'll set up a SCENE with everything bypassed. Thanks!
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