Trouble with Scenes Changing Correctly using MFC-101


I have been using my AXE-FX II for about five years. I recently purchased a new MFC-101 from FAS. I also use AXE-Edit to program the AXE FX II. Problem: When I change Scenes, for example from Scene 1 to Scene 2 using MFC-101, the display will indicate that Scene 2 is active, but the LED for Scene 1 stays green and Scene 1 remains the active Scene. Same if I go from Scene 1 to Scene 3 (4, 5 etc). Displays indicates Scene 3 is active but Scene 1 remains the active Scene and the Scene 1 LED remains green. I can change Scenes using AXE-Edit and Scenes will change correctly on the MFC-101 in real time. I am sure the MFC-101 is programmed correctly. Is there a setting in the FX-II in the MIDI section that I need to change? Any help would be appreciated.
Are you using reveal mode to select scenes? Also, Axe Edit and the MFC will not always stay in sync. Best to use one or the other, but not both. Pause Axe Edit when using the MFC or the Axe front panel. Then when you un-pause it, it will poll the Axe for all the current states and sync back up.
I found the answer. For some reason I/O - Midi - Scene Ctrl # select was set to 7, not the default of 34.
Thanks again. Mark
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