Triaxis LD2's


So I've been using these models primarily for a couple weeks and I have two questions...

Based on the release notes back in 17.00 "A “Presence Shift” switch has been added to certain “USA” amp models (those based on amps with a “Pull Shift” on the Presence knob). This switch is found under the Presence control and replicates the behavior when the Presence knob is pulled out on these amps. Note that the behavior of this switch is authentic and may result in volume reduction when active since the negative feedback is increased which lowers the loop gain"

Now isn't that already modeled or baked into the model?

Also does the presence without the shift engaged act like the triaxis cause from what I'm understanding from the manual its more of a high cut...? or am I wrong?

This control usually regulates either brightness or negative feedback in the power section of an amplifier. In the TriAxis a whole new approach to this traditional circuit was taken. An actual dynamic feedback loop that
compresses the highs and upper treble frequencies makes this PRESENCE control the first of its’ kind. In applying for the patent for this unique (high compression) circuit, we discovered that this same basic concept can apply to many parts of the tube amp in guitar amplification and your TriAxis is the first benefactor of such a breakthrough. With greater understanding and patent grants behind us, lets talk sound.
As the PRESENCE control is increased, more highs are allowed to pass. The lower the signal strength at the input of this control, the more highs pass through it. The lower region of the
PRESENCE control dampens these high harmonics. The greater the signal strength at the circuit input becomes, the darker the sound becomes."
No the TriAxis presence circuit is different. The Mark IV (USA Lead models) presence circuit is based on negative feedback in the power section of the amp. Because the TriAxis is a preamp and there is no power amp section, a different type of presence circuit was used to simulate the same effect. The Bright parameter in the Amp block works similarly to the TriAxis' presence circuit.
Hey thank you right after you said this I looked up the bright knob and sure enough...its right there exactly what you said. IMAGINE THAT!! haha
Thank you for the quick help!!
One more question...what exactly do with the actual presence knob in the amp block do I put it to 0 or 5? Under the wiki it said something about 5 is neutral but searching back in the's referring to the Mark IV. Again just asking for authentic representation.
I've found that leaving the "Presence" knob at 5 and lowering the "Dynamic Presence" in the Amp block, with the "Bright" knob at around -3 to -3.5 gives me more of what I hear in the real Triaxis (or raising them if I want more "presence"). But I don't know if this is really what I should be doing to emulate the real thing. (This using USA Pre Ld2 Yellow). Sorry can't help more
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