Tremolo dip


Hi Is it possible to make a patch that will lower the pitch about a quarter tone similar to pressing your tremolo arm slightly. Using the foot pedal.
Maybe there is a patch already created.
Use the Pitch block in advanced whammy mode. Set pitch bend amount to -1 semitone and set mix to 100% wet. Assign a modifier to the control parameter and set your expression pedal as the source. Since the whammy can only be set in 1 semitone increments, you'll have to limit the range of the control modifier by setting it's end value to 50% and it's mid value to 25%. That will give you a quarter step pitch drop at toe down, normal pitch at heel down, and a smooth transition between the two.
Use the Pitch block in advanced whammy mode. Set pitch bend amount to -1 semitone and set mix to 100% wet. Assign a modifier to the control parameter and set your expression pedal as the source. Since the whammy can only be set in 1 semitone increments, you'll have to limit the range of the control modifier by setting it's end value to 50% and it's mid value to 25%. That will give you a quarter step pitch drop at toe down, normal pitch at heel down, and a smooth transition between the two.
Do you know of a way of using the whammy effect to come from a whole tone below and end with vibrato on the target note. Also can that effect be used to apply vibrato to chords as with a physical whammy or vibrato arm?Mainly, I would like to know if that effect can be used in a Holdsworth type style. Thanks for you reply...Brett
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