Treble bleeds...

I emailed Charvel and they responded with their recommendation. Anyone had experience with these? They're $49 bucks which seems hella expensive. I think I could hunt down the same components from an electronics store and DYI. But my soldering skills suck and I'd like a nice and tidy solution. I was able to confirm that my volume pot in the guitar is 500K, or at least intended to be 500K.

I emailed Charvel and they responded with their recommendation. Anyone had experience with these? They're $49 bucks which seems hella expensive. I think I could hunt down the same components from an electronics store and DYI. But my soldering skills suck and I'd like a nice and tidy solution. I was able to confirm that my volume pot in the guitar is 500K, or at least intended to be 500K.

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That's just a capacitor... I can't believe that they want $49 for that! Wow...

Either way you've got to solder it in place.
That's just a capacitor... I can't believe that they want $49 for that! Wow...

Either way you've got to solder it in place.

I've been googling up on it. It MAY have a resister in there also. I'm sifting through some other forums. Almost everyone agrees it's an overpriced item with a Fender logo on it. I did find it cheaper on Google Express but it's still like $35 or something. If I can get the specs on the 500K version I'll try to find a match for the parts. I'm gun shy on installing one with the wrong cap and resistor values and having to trial and error the thing. I know that's how I should do it but I don't want to invest my time. The bleed they built into the old Ibanez RG 550's circa 1987-ish is what I'm looking for. But, I don't know the Pot value on that guitar. I just know it behaves and is still my most versatile guitar. It pains me to say it because I've paid a lot more for a couple of newer ones.
I just ordered the StewMac bleed kit, but that link had some interesting stuff in it. Since I'm a soldering hack, I also ordered some alligator clips. I guess my ears can be the judge and it mostly cost shipping (since I had to have it now!!).
$49 for what's not even $0.49 in parts? Any local electronic parts store will have those two parts for even less. And why are so many here deadly afraid of doing a little soldering? It's dead easy! I learned to do it and I have zero training in electronics. We live in the day of youtube! If you can find a tutorial to play your favorite song you can find a soldering tutorial. Any guitarist should learn how to do some soldering. If only so he can fix the electronics in his guitar, or resolder a broken connection in his cables.
I don’t think there that many afraid of soldering. I think it’s just me. And it’s not that I’m afraid. I just do a bad job. I mean it ends up a hunk of solder ... not pretty.

The info from the link that benvigil posted suggested it’s more than just a resistor and cap. and the values were specific to the pot values. The kit I ordered only had one value regardless of the pots. Hopefully it matches well with 500k. My ears will tell me soon enough
I just ordered the StewMac bleed kit, but that link had some interesting stuff in it. Since I'm a soldering hack, I also ordered some alligator clips. I guess my ears can be the judge and it mostly cost shipping (since I had to have it now!!).
That's what I was going to suggest.
All then treble bleed circuits with the resistor in parallel will affect the taper of the pot in a negative way.
That's why I always put them on a switch so I can use it only when I really need it.
The Kinman treble bleed circuit has the resistor in series which is better for the pot taper.
I just don't like the way it sounds, at least not with my humbucker and 500k pot equipped guitars.
Might be better with single coils and 250k pots.
I was thinking about this just the other day! I have a PRS drop in on my Carvin and I have noticed that it can be a bit much with certain amps. I have been resorting to just rolling back the tone knob to get what I need.

I was thinking what if you had a micro 3 way switchable setup that had different values so one could change them on the fly depending on the amp you were using?
Got the StewMac that Rex recommended installed today. Exactly what I was looking for. It’s funny because the repair shop I had it done at had no experience with them about 3 months ago until I had him install one and explain what it does. Today when I told him what I wanted done and handed him the bleed he says oh yeah I’ve got a bunch of those in the back. They’re great! I reminded him that I walked him through the first Then he remembered me.

Anyway the StewMac bleed works great on my HSS equipped 500k volume knob. I’ll get this done on my others too.
Treble bleeds just make sense to me. When I adjust my volume knob, I just want the volume to change – not the tone. If I want a darker sound, I can play closer to the neck or use my fingers or I would have dialed in the sound darker in the first place.
I was mainly looking to dial down to a clean tone without pedal dancing. I’m old school that way. But as I’ve also discovered I can crank the gain up on my preset and turn down in the bridge position and get a controlled gain for rythem and then dial up for added gain. Very handy.

I had to put it down though. I accidently stepped into an IR rabbit hole.
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