trailer trash boards?


Power User
hey y'all, anyone out there use Trailer Trash boards? I'm thinking of picking up a 28" flat trash with ATA case. Just wondering how you've found them, and what method of attaching your MFC and pedals you used - velcro or bolting/strapping? I've got 2 Mission Eng pedals and will likely affix one of the Fractal Ethercon adapter things once they become available so I won't need to plug and unplug the ethercon jack every setup.

Any advice, thoughts, or really good recipes for blueberry muffins welcome!
I haven't tried one with my AFX, but my I've used a 16x30 for my pedal-board rig for the last 2-3 years. They're well-built and solid. Well thought out features. Mine's red, and with that awesome "Trailer Trash" logo right on the front, I get frequent comments on the cool pedal board.

Using mostly velcro for attaching, although I seem to remember adding a couple screwed in retainer type fasteners or straps to hold a couple of heavier things to the underside of the board (i.e. power supply, and a couple of power cord connectors). I haven't had any trouble with anything coming loose, yet. I clean the board well, before adding new pedals/velcro.

Of, course, on the other hand.... I don't use my pedal board much these days...... the AFX has pretty much taken that over.....
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I have the 24 x 12 and like it, it fits the MFC and only 1 Mission expression pedal. Have everything attached with screws.
I've got a Flat Trash. Don't remember the dimensions, but I have the MFC, two FV500s, and a Mission pedal, all side-by-side, along with a few accessories on the back of the board. He ships some industrial Velcro with the board and, if you follow his instructions, it'll require the jaws of life to peel your stuff off the board. Seriously, I had to pry hard with a heavy screwdriver to remove a busted expression pedal. The owner of the company (I can't recall his name) is an Axe-Fx and MFC101 owner and he was happy and very helpful in talking to me about my needs. I love my board, and I can't say enough good things about Trailer Trash.
Did you drill through the board, then screw into the foot-pad holes on the bottom of the MFC?

Nah - you don't have to go to all that trouble.... you just take a big, ole drill, and drill wherever it's convenient, and crank it down tight to the board. A 3/4" lag bolt will give you that industrial, steam-punk look. Don't worry about where you drill - it's all circuit boards, and you can drill right through them. A little acid on the paint, and a beatin' with a ball-peen hammer, and you're good to go. ;)

Sorry - being a smart-alec - couldn't resist the opening. :D

I'm not sure how Cainer is doing this, but I have done it this way. The problem is getting the holes to line up with the pedal base - it can be pretty tricky. I've used bicycle chain type links with pretty good success. You screw one end to the pedal bottom, first, then the other end to the board. This works a bit better, as you don't have to be quite as accurate on lining the holes up. I've also seen folks using a plexi or sheet metal base, that's cut a bit wider than the pedal, screwed to the bottom, then the board, similar to the chain link idea. I haven't tried either of these with my MFC, but see no reason why they wouldn't work, and be very secure. Personally, I think velcro would be more than secure enough.
My board is a 28x16 as you can see everything fits nicely, to secure everything to the board I use dual lock as opposed to Velcro, much stronger (but Velcro is still fine).
I also use a NE8FF (ETHERCON COUPLER BARRELL)My Axe Fx and MFC are Mark 1’s and I don’t trust those connectors fully in and out every day, somebody getting caught and jerking that cable, so just a little port replication (piece of mind for me). There is also one mounted in my rack for the Axe Fx (same reason). Again the dual lock is strong; I can pick up that board by the NE8FF and not baby it. BTW I still need to get some black Cat5 and also tack down the cable.
My board is mounted a little on the odd side (but it works for me) at one point and time I removed the feet, but for whatever reason was just not comfortable with it, so-----
Yes the feet are back on the board but they are still not touching the Trailer Trash board. There is a piece of wood under the MFC I think like 1/4, same shape as the MFC just a bit smaller, roughly take a 1 ½ off each side, it fits between the feet of the MFC. Anyway the MFC is dual locked to the wood and the wood is dual locked to the Trailer Trash board. I know is sounds like it would be a bit sloppy, but it’s not.
The board is a bit higher than I intended, but I really like it so left it.

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