Traditional looking FRFR guitar cabs?



Just wondering if anyone knows what options are out there for passive FRFR cabs that look like traditional guitar cabs not pa speakers or wedges?

I was hoping to grab a couple of the passive atomic cabs but their availability in Australia is non-existent at the moment and I've read people complaining about their general lack of power.

Any ideas??

I make traditional styled cabs but sadly, shipping to Austrialia would be cost prohibitive, at least in all the ways I have looked into it.... :-(




I wish there was a good affordabe way to ship to Austrialia but sadly, if there is, I have not found it yet! :-(


How much would the 2x12 cost with shipping to Australia?

If you could replace the grill with traditional grill cloth, I'd be interested..
TroyL said:
How much would the 2x12 cost with shipping to Australia?

If you could replace the grill with traditional grill cloth, I'd be interested..

Replacing the grill with traditional grill cloth is not an issue.

I've sent you a PM.


Not to steel any of Mick's thunder here as he makes a great cab but you might also look at Jet City in the event it is not cost effective for you to go the Xitone rought not that this might be any different but it's another option to look at.

Ive got an old 1960a Marshall cab that has no speakers in it, anybody done anything like that before? What FRFR speakers would I put in it? Could I build the amp into it as well maybe?
There have been a couple of Frankenstein 412's like that on the board. I would use coax speakers but that would be a bit spendy. You could make use of a conventional 2 way type setup. I can't recall what speakers were used in the 2 way set up that was posted it might have been an QSC or something. Whatever was used the high end had big lenses that were able to fit in the top holes of the 412.
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