Tone Matching sounds accurate, but...


I wanted to record a cover using my first tone match but am having issues with it. I've got the original guitar track isolated and tone matched it, and it sounds pretty spot on!! But when I go to play along with the song (everything except the lead guitar) it just doesn't cut through the way it does in the recording. I tried adding mids, compression, the Enhancer block, tone matching it again, adding volume, nothing makes it sit in the mix properly. Any ideas? It sits okay for most of it, but during the solo not so much. It doesn't sound like there's a change in volume in the isolated track though?

EDIT: I've managed to get closer by noticing the amp's graphic EQ wasn't flat, and fixing that. I also turned up Damping to 10 (I always do this to bring things forward and make them present) before tone matching, which has helped a lot, but it's still not QUITE there.
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The first thing I would try is to TM the solo section separate from the rest of the song.

It's really common to have different EQ for the solo even when the overall level appears to be consistent with the rest of the track.

You don't get all the glue by just matching the final EQ, it's also a matter of compression etc. You have the EQ but your tone doesn't interact with the other instruments, you're not a part of the mix. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. There are tones you can't even matchEQ, like this one Exodus - Bedlam1-2-3 - YouTube MatchEQs work best with preprocessed tones because that's all what they can match : EQ.
Yeah I figured it had to be that, which is why I tried compression. There's no delay or anything else I can pick up from listening to it, so I just assumed it was compression, but I haven't been able to get a proper tone either. Judging by the sound, it seems about as compressed as the original track but still no luck. I just don't know what to do.
Your own compressor is still not a part of the mix, it can't really help, what you add in the axe won't interact with the other instruments ..
The recording is mastered, so there isn't a lot of free space there.

A lot of people do a parallel compression of the backing track using the recorded track as source. This creates room for your recorded track.
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