Tone Matching a Dr. Z Maz 18

Hi all,

Live I like to play through my 1964 Super Reverb (original) and my Dr. Z Maz 18. I am about to tone match my Super and I wanted to do the same with the Z, but but the Maz 18 is not one of the supported amps. Does it make any sense to try and match the Maz 18 or the Maz 38, or is that pointless because they aren't the same amp?

The Maz 38 is modeled in the AXE-FX II. Check it out. It's a great model. I've used that model for many entire gigs with my Tele and Strat. If you want to Tone Match the Maz 18 you might want to select the Maz 38 as your starting point amp sim since it is probably the closest model to the Maz 18.
I would love a real Z-wreck amp model !! Or a maz 18 model or a stang Ray

Ive built a couple of Z wrecks and theyre basically Trainwreck Rockets with super low preamp filtering (different power supply setup as well but thats not hugely important). Shouldnt be hard to start there and tweak some settings in the preamp page. And since a Rocket is a tweaked 12ax7 channel of an ac30 there are other ways to get that tone aswell. All the tools are in the axe fx to get the just wont say z wreck.
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