Toggle FX X/Y?


I know you can toggle amp X/Y and Scene 1/2...can you toggle an effect? I have a pitch block set for harmony and also detune. I don't use both at once and want to set up the switches like a pedalboard. Can I do this or do I need to use scenes?
To clarify, you want to map one footswitch for Pitch Detune and another footswitch for harmony?

If you don't need instantaneous switching, map one footswitch for Pitch and hold down on that switch for a second or two to switch between X and Y.
You can adjust the time for the switch as well. This has been a welcome feature for me. It adds multiple options on each switch. I'm experimenting with two amp settings of different amps on a switch and then multiple delays etc. within one preset.
Yes it can be done or yes to scenes?

It the default footswitch config, quick tap to engage, press and hold to switch X/Y. Fantastic feature. If you want it on different pedals though, I believe you have each switch as a scene toggling the X/Y state.
So it has to be held to change from x to y? You can't set it for either/or like the amp?

I'd have to look, but I don't believe there is an X/Y foot switch for every block. If you want it fast, for example switching from detune immediately to harmony, you're probably better off setting up 2 different scenes with the different X/Y effects, though you could also adjust the time you step on the switch for the time required to long press toggle X/Y.

EDIT: there's the Scene 1/2 toggle which would emulate the Amp X/Y switching. Maybe that would work.
You can adjust the time required to hold down in the io setup. It can be timed so it's close to the same time as simply engaging the switch as with the normal setup.
When did X/Y on effects get introduced on the MFC? This is good news for me, thanks.

Ok, I've just twigged that this is an AX8 post - is this possible with MFC101 and AX yet?
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Yes it can be done or yes to scenes?

Sorry for the ambiguous answer, I meant you can do it with the A/B just like you do with the AMP block. So your PITCH A can be detune and your PITCH B can be harmony and you can toggle them on your pedal board.

And for the record, I LOVE this AX8. So much fun and so many options. And I love this forum with so many helpful folk.
When did X/Y on effects get introduced on the MFC? This is good news for me, thanks.

Ok, I've just twigged that this is an AX8 post - is this possible with MFC101 and AX yet?
You can not press and hold to toggle between X and Y on the MFC. You can of course assign an effect's XY to an IA and toggle between X and Y with a press
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Sorry for the ambiguous answer, I meant you can do it with the A/B just like you do with the AMP block. So your PITCH A can be detune and your PITCH B can be harmony and you can toggle them on your pedal board.

And for the record, I LOVE this AX8. So much fun and so many options. And I love this forum with so many helpful folk.

Can someone show me how to do this? I don't have an option showing in the editor when I assign a specific switch to toggle between fx X and Y. Amp yes, scene 1 and 2 yes...but I see nothing for FX.
There is no "A/B"....

The Amp X/Y function is a "Footswitch Block," a special function. It was developed so people could XY switch the Amp without the possible mistake of Bypassing it. You typically never want to bypass the Amp block, so a unique XY-only function was made for the Amp block specifically.

The way to XY switch any other block is to Hold the effect's switch on the FS page, or set an F-Switch to the XY function, which changes all FS switches (that have a block on it) to an XY function. (This also cancels the hold for XY function for that preset entirely.)
It would be really handy if you could assign the X and Y of a given effect to different foot switches, thereby making them closer to two separate blocks. Ie, to save CPU I use one drive block with X/Y. If I could assign drive X to footswitch 1, and drive Y to foot switch 2, then I can treat them as separate drive blocks.

If you already have x engaged and press x again, it bypasses. If you have x engaged and press y it toggles to y.

Seems an easy no brainer to me?!
That would add another backpack to an already complex design. In my eyes the entire switch/controller/modifier concept should be redone with the goal : any switch and internal/external controller can do pretty much anything. This is what I liked about the Helix, it's a lot more intuitive in this regard. Unfortunately such a redesign would most likely not allow to migrate existing presets.
It amazes me how out of the box and creative guys get with their need and wants. My needs must be even more simple than I thought
That would add another backpack to an already complex design. In my eyes the entire switch/controller/modifier concept should be redone with the goal : any switch and internal/external controller can do pretty much anything. This is what I liked about the Helix, it's a lot more intuitive in this regard. Unfortunately such a redesign would most likely not allow to migrate existing presets.
The control was, for me; about the only thing I liked about the Helix. All the switching options in the world can't help me if I don't like the tones coming out the box.
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