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Yes, GLOBAL PRESET is a HUGE feature i miss. As i have been using the MFC with the AXEFX3 via a midi/power cable, when using the GLOBAL PRESET function, it works a little different (i think) (it may be they way i have it set on the MFC).

So, how it works:
If i am in my bank of 5 and on patch 4 (patch #094, for example), if i hit it again, it goes to my GLOBAL PRESET (a solo patch positioned at #008). Now, i can hit that button again (bank of 5, patch 4) and it returns to #094. But, ALSO, if i hit any other button (in the bank of 5) it will go to the desired patch number. (ex: i can hit patch 5 and it will go to #095. In other words, it returns to any patch in my desired BANK of 5.
I have tried to replicate this on the FC12 with a HOLD but it will always take you to 'IT'S' bank of 5 (ex: #006 to #010....not #091 to #095).
Very frustrating and i'm already struggling with the limit of 12 only buttons. I agree, having to HOLD or select a new LAYOUT isn't a very 'stream of consciousness' way to work.
Yes, i get it if you are in a band that does the same thing every night and you can set things the way you need then for the show. But, if you are an improviser and like to edit PATCHES and FX on the fly, i'm not sure the FC's are going to be the answer.

I know i have to change my whole thinking on the FC, and i'm up for the challenge. Hell, thats the beauty of the AXEFX, but I'm not sure i can achieve what i need with the FC12. (i remember the 1st AXFX i had where i would wake up thinking of ways to set up patches etc.....I'm going through the same thing again now. This is very cool and inspiring)
I want buttons. Lots of them. I also have a real-estate problem so adding another FC is not the answer. When you are doing local gigs with lots of different bands, you need to keep things practical.
Yes, the EXTERNAL SWITCHES and PEDALS help, but coming from 17 buttons (and i have an extension box with 4 more buttons with the MFC) to 12, well, i'm struggling.

I have tried setting up a bank of 5 PRESETS buttons (with HOLDS assigned to the next BANK up. EX: 1/6 - 2/7 - 3/8 - 4/9, 5/10) with 5 FX buttons (with HOLDS assigned to another FX. EX: DIST1/DIST2 - FLAGER/PHASER etc)
But this is cumbersome. having to hold to turn on or off 1 FX and then go back to turn on or off the other, is just way too much. Not to mention having to remember what FX is on or off in that patch with no light for the HOLD FX.

I hope i am making myself clear. It's a work flow thing. I get that the options on the FC's are extensive, ....but, it seems that only mine is not there....ha!

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
CAN I assign an EXTERNAL Switch to a specific patch number?
This would rectify my problem...i think.

Any ideas? Can it be done?
Stand in switches can do any function of onboard switches.

You can set an external switch to select preset by number or by number in Bank.
That being said, if you change to a new preset that is in a different bank, then I'm pretty sure your bank on the FC will now have moved to the one containing that preset.
I figure i have to set up a scene (ex; like my patch 008) in every PATCH. Sheesh! Then assign the External Switch as a STAND IN SWITCH set to "PATCH#" switch and assign it to a blank switch in say, MASTER LAYOUT.

However, a "TOGGLE from PATCH #" to "ANY PATCH # IN PREVIOUS BANK" would be my only option...if at all.
I figure i have to set up a scene (ex; like my patch 008) in every PATCH. Sheesh! Then assign the External Switch as a STAND IN SWITCH set to "PATCH#" switch and assign it to a blank switch in say, MASTER LAYOUT.

However, a "TOGGLE from PATCH #" to "ANY PATCH # IN PREVIOUS BANK" would be my only option...if at all.
Why both? You can just duplicate the preset in the same spot in every bank and change to the preset.

What does the Scene do for you?
I guess its all about real estate. Ultimately i want everything and i want it now (if you know what i mean.) yes the patch in every bank will work but i struggle with 5 in a bank. I would be happy with 10, but then...real estate !
Its all about on the fly convenience for me. My mind is working and i want to select anything at any time. I play in so many different bands and shows that i have multiple banks. and some songs are way away from my usual banks. If someone pulls out that song, I have to get to it quick.

having said that, a 'GO TO solo' patch that i can use at anytime without soaking up a patch position would still be great.
Anyway, i think getting my head around STAND IN SWITCHES may be my answer. Ill keep you informed.
Thanks for the ideas.
Couldn't you use MIDI PC mapping to map one copy of a preset to 00, 10, 20, 30, ..., 90, 100, 110, 120, etc. and save preset space and patch maintenance?
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