To you, what are the Axe Fx most acurate amps?

Edge59 said:
As a matter of fact all of the "USA" amp models can be made to sound very similar to various Mesa MK Series amps I've owned over the years, as well as the Triaxis.

That was me that said that, and I still stand by it.

Edge59 said:
Sorry, this is going to be a little long...

Could you compare the Mesa Mark I Santana, Carlton and Ford like tones to the Axe Fx?
I can only only compare the Axe to amps that I've actually owned and lived with.
But I find it easier to get those types of tones with the Axe than I ever did from the series of Mesa amps I've personally owned, as listed in my earlier post.

Not really sure what the rest of your post is all about. Sorry.
Is there another question in there?
BTW I agree about the Mark I modes in the Triaxis sucking.
But then again, I never owned a MKI.
I used to use the Lead 1 Yellow mode for bluesy crunch though. It was OK but a lot of that type of sound should come from a power amp breaking up and I always had a too powerful a power amp to do that. It's easier to get that type of sound via the Axe's power amp sim for me now.

I also thought that the Clean Yellow, Lead 1 Red (the Recto mode), Lead 2 Green, and Lead 2 Red modes sucked also. I also hated the Dynamic Voice feature.
Still, the Triaxis was the only decent programmable tube preamp you could get that had a decent clean sound as well as the hi-gain stuff for many years. I bought mine in 1993. It was always a hate-love relationship for me.
The JMP1's cleans weren't happening IMO and the ADA stuff seemed best for metal.

Edge59 said:
(Tones not the playing of course :) I have had a Triaxis but only really used the IIC+ mode for leads most of the time, the Mark I in that unit was a little underwhelming:( When I hear santana, Carlton and Ford play through Boogies of that Era (Mark I) I get goose bumps!!! :) I have owned a Mark III and had Mike B. mod it back to IIC+ specs, it was better to my ears, later a Mesa HeartBreaker, cause I wanted more Mark I tones and with the right speakers it was better. I currently own a Mark IVB with a output transformer from a IIC+ era 2:90 poweramp. Its more open and rich and singy in comparison to the stock model and also different tubes throughout the amp made a big improvement on it tone. A friend of mine that worked at Mesa at the time had an original Mark I with Pull Bright and Pull Boost. I could get just about all my Fav tones Lead/Clean with that amp, but of course had to adjust the knobs all the time LOL! I Have a Dumbe Clone that I built and though its clean tones are awesome, the Lead tones seem to sound best when using bridge pickups, the neck gets somewhat muddy, and I hear that with most Dumbles that I have heard, where the Mesa shines with the neck pickup! Another reason I have looked into the Axe Fx, having a Dumble for some bridge PU work and switch to a Mesa Mark I or IIC+ for Neck PU tones. I am Also looking into either powered monitors BJT, QSC... (I currently have some older JBL Eon 15's) or going with the Art SLA 2 and my EV speakers for more of the speaker tone I am used to getting:)
joegold said:
Still, the Triaxis was the only decent programmable tube preamp you could get that had a decent clean sound as well as the hi-gain stuff for many years.

The H&K Access was/ is great, I played it since 1993.
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