Tips for Mid-Gain "Warmth" in V10?


I'm in the middle of setting up some mid gain presets to use "live." I'm struggling to come up with "warm" sounding presets based on a Plexi 50 and JCM800. Does anyone have any tips for v10? The clean and higher gain presets sound great. However, my mid gain presets aren't bad, but they're still sounding cold and harsh. My starting point for both are nos. 8 and 10. I've tried different IRs, etc.

Since I own my band's PA, I've been setting up my patches through a mixer eq'd flat through our mains (JBL prx612s) with no FX at the board. I also have an RCF NX12 that I plan to use as a monitor.

I did find one Plexi preset created using v10 in AxeChange which sounds great through my system. But it's higher gain and when I remove the OD pedal, it sounds muffled (Axe-Change - Download Preset - Plexi TimD Guthrieish - by TimD).


There's a few things I do when I find a preset is struggling for warmth.

Increase Depth
Increase 125k in amp EQ
Select a different IR (or different mic)- for example, greenback cabs with the 67 cond mic is warmth city.

Sometimes only one of the above is necessary. What sometimes happens, though, is that doing one of the above makes the tone too muddy or muffled. When that happens I usually try one or more of the following: cutting 60hz in the amp eq, turn up low cut in amp block, turn up low cut in cab block, increase definition (one of the most overlooked and powerful parameters in the Axe IMO- a little goes a long way), or increase dynamics in amp block.

There's usually not just one control that will do exactly what you want. Multiple adjustments are usually needed. It's just a matter of finding out which ones and in what combination.
+1 on DerJD, I love the 67 cond mic for what it does. The R121 is used by alot of people but it does not do it for me. It's too "mystique"-blurry sounding. I guess if you start out with it and tweak from there most microphones will work.
These definitely helped, especially the mic selection and eq "tweaks". Thanks! Any others? Anyone have a mid gain preset or two they'd be willing to share that you use "live" that I can take a look at?
If you want to you can try my presets in axe-change. Just search for "Torje Amundsen" and download all of them. I'm on a journey for these smooth gain tones aswell.
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... still sounding cold and harsh.

Try tweaking these parameters in the AMP block / ADV page:
- Definition (go just a little bit negative here)
- Triode1 Plate Freq. (try something in the 6k-10k range)
- Triode2 Plate Freq. (same as triode1. Or leave wide open: 40k. Play with the balance of triode1/2 plate freq.)
I personally think those amps aren't very good choices fo a warm sound.
I discovered that if you turn off saturation on the brit brown it gives a pretty warm sound immidiatly.

I'm in the middle of setting up some mid gain presets to use "live." I'm struggling to come up with "warm" sounding presets based on a Plexi 50 and JCM800. Does anyone have any tips for v10? The clean and higher gain presets sound great. However, my mid gain presets aren't bad, but they're still sounding cold and harsh. My starting point for both are nos. 8 and 10. I've tried different IRs, etc.

Since I own my band's PA, I've been setting up my patches through a mixer eq'd flat through our mains (JBL prx612s) with no FX at the board. I also have an RCF NX12 that I plan to use as a monitor.

I did find one Plexi preset created using v10 in AxeChange which sounds great through my system. But it's higher gain and when I remove the OD pedal, it sounds muffled (Axe-Change - Download Preset - Plexi TimD Guthrieish - by TimD).


Well, on the Marshall stuff the first thing I do is crank the mids. Like to 10. And I pull bass, often all the way off (Plexi) or damn close to it (JCM 800, etc). Just like the real amps.

I never have any issues with cut or mids. Ever.
I used to dial all my "marshall-ish" tones with the Basketweave TV mix IR, but I tried to mix that IR with the Basketweave Green Mix and found that nice warmth I was looking for. Guess It works really fine, maybe not :p. Hope it helped!
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