THIS Is Performing!


Fractal Fanatic
I had forgotten how much fun it is to watch Junior Brown play. He mixes so many different styles and genres into his music, keeping it very entertaining, and he's a helluva player!! From Hendrix to surf to blues to old-time country..., we should all aspire to put such a unique stamp on our own music.

Watch one minute from where I have it cued up (or more, if you like to see awesome talent!) He even plays melodies with his tuners!

I hate country music, but I sure as shit enjoyed that! Maybe that's not country but bluegrass or something?

The right hand of the lass on sidestage would make many modern metal players jealous too!
I hate country music
Me too, but I went and saw him live and it was one of the best shows I'd ever seen!

My roommate was channel surfing one day, and I overheard this guy playing a twangy, Fender-y feedback-laden cover of Foxy Lady, and I ended up sitting down and watching him on Austin City Limits, and he was all over the place. I'm not sure how you would categorize his music.
I mean, even his "instrument" needed a new name: Git-Steel.
Yeah, he's one of those real "circus act/freaks" where he just blows past the mainstream of his time only to be appreciated truly at a later time. I mean he obviously was popular then too. Danny Gatton is another name who comes to mind where they just go off on a tangent with melodies and mix up different styles/techniques. Greg Koch is really good at that too.
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