Thinking of buying an Axe-Fx Ultra, but few concerns


Hi, I'm torn between buying a used Axe Ultra, or saving up for a FX-II. I was looking on the Axe Change and didn't see any tones to download for the Ultra. Everything appears to be for FX-II. Is there a repository where I can find some? I noticed a zip someone made on the forum with a bunch of tones, but that was about it. I'm looking for some great Metallica tones. Is the Ultra pretty much outdated at this point in terms of support? Thanks in advance.

the product is fully mature and therefore you will not get any more updates or support on it. that's both good and bad. the good news is that what it sounds like today will never change....and that's a good thing because the ultra rocks! the bad news is that there will be no more updates with more amp models, what you have is it....but i think it's enough.

as for Metallica presets; ask and you shall receive. i love to make presets to add to my superpack for all to enjoy. please post some clips of the tone you desire, along with some details about what kind of guitar and pickups you use so i can tailor the preset to fit your guitar. i make all presets to work on full range speakers or studio monitors, so if you are using a poweramp and guitar cabinet your mileage will vary greatly.
This forum is absolutely chock to the t*ts with user created presets and IRs. You just have to go to the appropriate sub-forum and then make sure the view option is set to "beginning" under the "show threads from..." drop down menu at the bottom of the page.

I have a folder on my computer that has so many presets/IRs from simply downloading everything I've ever come across on this forum that I couldn't go through them all if I tried. There are also a bunch of IR packs that were made by third party companies over the years. Hell, there's even an IR pack for sale by Fractal Audio (on the main site) for $20, for the Ultra/standard

But, you are correct that the Axe-Change is a barren wasteland in regards to the Ultra/Standard.
If you want instant Metallica tone gratification just get the II and be done with it. The Ultra is more than capable but you'll need to work a littler harder at it.
as for Metallica presets; ask and you shall receive. i love to make presets to add to my superpack for all to enjoy. please post some clips of the tone you desire, along with some details about what kind of guitar and pickups you use so i can tailor the preset to fit your guitar. i make all presets to work on full range speakers or studio monitors, so if you are using a poweramp and guitar cabinet your mileage will vary greatly.

Wow, that's really cool of you to do! I'd be looking for rhythm tones from primarily Master of Puppets, and the Black Album. I would be playing a LTD EC-1000 with EMGs, and using M-Audio BX5 D2 studio monitors.

This forum is absolutely chock to the t*ts with user created presets and IRs. You just have to go to the appropriate sub-forum and then make sure the view option is set to "beginning" under the "show threads from..." drop down menu at the bottom of the page.

Thanks for the tip on viewing from the beginning. It looks like there are presets in some of the threads, but a lot are going to 404 pages. It’s too bad the Axe Change didn’t archive the Standard/Ultra tones.

If you want instant Metallica tone gratification just get the II and be done with it. The Ultra is more than capable but you'll need to work a littler harder at it.

The FX-II would be the convenient choice, but for $1000 difference in price, trying to fine tune the tone myself just might be worth sticking with the Ultra. I’m brand new to amp modeling though, so it’s a bit intimidating.
I've been waffling back and forth between the ultra and fx2. From what I read, a lot say that the extra $k is well worth it....and this is coming from experienced ultra users. Im looking for strictly FX processing up front with modeling later. Because of that, the fx2 is my hope. But, I can probably get a ultra for $1200 and a year later when I go to a fx2, sell the ultra and take a little loss. I just don't know. There is a part of me that will be kicking myself in the butt if a get an ultra and find it can't do something I want when the fx2 could do it .. so I sit here and wait. I do wish they took paypal for payment.

Man, that was quick! Unfortunately, I don't have an Axe-Fx so I can't check it out ;) I really appreciate you taking a run at though!
the deal is this; if you want tones that are close to the real artist and don't mind tweaking a little, the std or ultra will get you there. if you have to have the absolute exact tone, only the II will get you there.
Thanks for everyone's help and input. I decided to pull the trigger on the Axe-Fx II. I think it will suit me well :).
if you have to have the absolute exact tone, only the II will get you there.

Heh. That's what everyone said about the Ultra for years before the II was a twinkle in Fractal's eye. It's all BS, of course. By that I mean the II is nothing special either. Or, more accurately it won't be anything special in a few years, when people will be saying precisely what you said but for the Axe-II, or whatever the next toy is.
I've compared the two side by side and I own the Ultra but I'm getting the II in a month or so. The difference is mostly feel, meaning that you can make them sound impossible to tell apart with the same IR or by matching with Ozone. (which I guess is a more defined match than the tone matching in the II) So why am I getting the II? No, not just the feel since it's not bad on the Ultra either.

I need more IR slots. I want new amps. I want to get updates. I want to be able to talk with you guys over here. :) And like some of you guys know I like to contribute to this forum.

So in a month I'll own both an Ultra and the II. Ultra is for sale!! Filled Clark's shizzz. Buy it..
I've compared the two side by side and I own the Ultra but I'm getting the II in a month or so. The difference is mostly feel, meaning that you can make them sound impossible to tell apart with the same IR or by matching with Ozone. (which I guess is a more defined match than the tone matching in the II) So why am I getting the II? No, not just the feel since it's not bad on the Ultra either.

I need more IR slots. I want new amps. I want to get updates. I want to be able to talk with you guys over here. :) And like some of you guys know I like to contribute to this forum.

So in a month I'll own both an Ultra and the II. Ultra is for sale!! Filled Clark's shizzz. Buy it..

just the guy i was hoping to hear from. any chance you could pass on some presets and knowledge before you go? i'm sure you already have, but could you point me to where to search for the info you've already posted?

and the statement i made about the II is based on what everybody on the other side have told me. i personally think you can get real close if not exact tone matches with the ultra. but you have to put in a little more effort to get it.
Well if you're looking for similar sounds that I get then it requires a good IR. I 100% recommend my "#7" IR that I share later on in the "Clark's perfect IR" thread. That one is really awesome. And Kevin has the best IRs ot there. (OwnHammer) If you're sick of vintage 30s try his scumback IRs. Amazing!

If you have the right IR you don't have to do much. I max out the gain and tweak the EQ so that it somehow works. Then bring it down to where it's almost overdrive to get a better dynamic range. No boosts! After that it's just my playing and PRS guitars. :)
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