The Wordle thread........(spoiler)

I usually complete Wordle, the Mini, Strands, and Connections every day. Wordle is definitely getting stale. Maybe we should phase this thread out and start one for Strands or Connections? But only one. I'd probably get stressed out if there was more than one thread to respond to each day. 😂
I usually complete Wordle, the Mini, Strands, and Connections every day. Wordle is definitely getting stale. Maybe we should phase this thread out and start one for Strands or Connections? But only one. I'd probably get stressed out if there was more than one thread to respond to each day. 😂
I’m game for anything. This thread had almost fizzled out - a few others all dropped out and I had been the only one to post one day and figured it was done. Then you posted and I started and it has had a small rebirth!
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