The wickedess AX8 demo I ever saw. Check it out!



He seems to get all that glorious sound from STOCK AX8 amps, cabs, and effects!
One of the best AX8 guitarists I have ever seen play as well.
Makes me proud to own an AX8.
Rocco is a legend on this forum. check out his covers he did on YT - absolutely top notch. not so sure about stock presets, though.

He seems to get all that glorious sound from STOCK AX8 amps, cabs, and effects!
One of the best AX8 guitarists I have ever seen play as well.
Makes me proud to own an AX8.

All amps and effects are stock. You can’t replace them with other amps or effects.
The AX8 was discontinued not too soon after those were posted. Looks like maybe three major firmware updates. Probably not that much different.

Don't be too quick to blame the presets or firmware. @ProgressiveRocco could play something with a Hello Kitty guitar and an old POD and sound killer!

The funny thing is I feel his presets are killer and some amp models loud AF.

A lot of people want to hear 80's hits especially lead guitar on its own. That's why I am very eager to learn the songs on the video clip, above, in this thread!

I went through the whole clip looking at the comment's section to figure out exactly what he was playing (the artists) and I now have a good idea.
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The funny thing is I feel his presets are killer and some amp models loud AF.

I was just curious if it had been upgraded. Other than that his presets or the firmware are not my problem.

My issue now is how can I learn that amazing stuff he played? I grew up with U2.

U2 is my bread and butter. My heritage. I'll always pick up U2 faster when it comes to learning.

But when it comes to getting BOOKED for gigs not everyone wants to hear U2. So I may have trouble.

A lot of people want to hear 80's hits especially lead guitar on its own. That's why I am very eager to learn the songs on the video clip, above, in this thread!

I went through the whole clip looking at the comment's section to figure exactly out what he was playing (the artists) and I now have a good idea.

Still I'd rather learn from Rocco than a LL teacher. But I don't think he teaches. Correct me if I'm wrong...

Well, he offers mixing services so maybe you can bribe him into teaching you :cool:. Wouldn't hurt reading up on George Lynch's playing technique in the meantime.
He's literally tagged in the previous post. Click on it...
Yeah I knew his username but I was confused because he wasn’t showing up in my drop down list when I tried to type an @ tag to him. But clicking on the tag in the message above worked. When I type anyone else’s username with an @ first it comes up in the drop down box.
Yeah I knew his username but I was confused because he wasn’t showing up in my drop down list when I tried to type an @ tag to him. But clicking on the tag in the message above worked. When I type anyone else’s username with an @ first it comes up in the drop down box.
Weird... I see the same thing.
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