The Spirit of Radio by Rush - Vox, Drums and AXE FX2 in Guitar and Bass

Finally got a bass tone that I'm happy with!!! YEAH!!! :triumphant:

Cover of The Spirit of Radio by Rush in Vocals, Guitars, Bass and Drums. I did Vox, Guitars and Bass and my Roommate did drums. We dropped down the song to C# and made our own little version of it:

Rush - The Spirit of Radio - Official Music Video Cover using new AXE FX 2 - Permanent Waves - YouTube

Let me know what you guys think... first post here :redface-new:

I'm still working on how to properly connect the AXE FX2 to my RME FF800. I'm going mono right now to my Avedis 512c Preamp. I'm sure I can get a better guitar tone going stereo. I just bought my AXE FX2 three weeks ago. Again, any feedback would be highly appreciated, good and bad. No worst comment that no comment!

You can also download this song for free at
I connected my unit through S/Pdif and WOW what A DIFFERENCE. Guitars sound 100% better that connecting analog mono. But now I get a little bit of jitter on my interface which clock is also set at 48khz. I'm going to try a different cable and go from there...
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