The Quest for Dollars - Beato Ranting on Being Blocked Again!

dr bonkers

Fractal Fanatic

Here's what I don't understand in 2020 with the record labels hurting for cash.

Why don't they set up a self serve portal for music licensing?

Do you want to perform an artist's song with your own arrangement for up to 1,000 views? Pay this much. Put the video URL here. Swipe your credit card.

Do you want to teach how to play a song for 1,000 views? Pay this much. Put the video URL here. Swipe your credit card.

Do you want to do commentary or analysis of a song outside of normal fair use? How many minutes are you going to use? What is your channel's average views per video? Pay this much. Put the video URL here with your time stamp. Swipe your credit card.

This is not really difficult for the labels to set up if they are really concerned about the revenue stream. 100% of nothing right now is still nothing. They would make more on this than the laughable percentages they make from streaming.

My wife's older cousin died after a 2 year battle with lung cancer. His last wish to me was to make a montage set to Pink Floyd's Breathe and the Dead's Morning Dew, his two favorite bands. I posted the video as a private video the morning before the service so that I could play it as he wished at the funeral home. Blocked. I had to scramble to burn a DVD and bring my laptop and hook it up to their video screen at the parlor rather than use my phone then. I even asked, how much do I have to pay for a one time viewing for a lifelong fan for maximum 100 people at the funeral home? No response, but they also still ended up receiving no money for the blocking effort.

People want to comply but the Harry Fox Agency and the labels make it nigh impossible to do the right thing.
I had a video blocked on Facebook that was 3 years old the other day for music, It was me my wife driving through a Christmas display, I dont even remember what the song was but it must have been on the radio and so low I couldn't hear it. But 3 years and my page is private, I mean who at that point am I stealing from. And don't get me started on Henley, I love the Eagles but can you tell me someone posting a video of the Hotel California solo is really putting a dent in his pocket after what they charge for tickets for their shows.
Sorry but Facebook is barf-ola! .#1 First mistake is publishing on this platform imo...
Haha, Oh yeah, I copied the link from a playlist, think that was in the video after this... :D
It kept playing, I was watching I think there was 70 other episodes but my better half puled me away, Im going to watch later..
Very funny indeed!
It kept playing, I was watching I think there was 70 other episodes but my better half puled me away, Im going to watch later..
Very funny indeed!

Sorry for the semi hijack/derail to OP... Its the Techmoan channel on Youtube, mostly regarding old retro Hifi and tech. Every now and then he add these very funny (according to me) puppet sketches as outro.

Sorry again, please back to topic :D
That's cool, but it doesn't "cover" all the use cases in question, such as instructional videos, non-fair use analysis (which technically is what is purportedly being blocked on YouTube), music samples, etc.

For example, I tried that portal to see how much it would cost to simply cover a song (no rearrangement) for video streaming. That's a custom quote according to the configurator.

That's not stupid simple or scalable to capture the demand out there in YouTube and the rest of social media use.

Make it easy to comply and people are lazy enough to do the right thing. File sharing sites generally fell out of favor with the general public, not because of lawsuits (though they helped), but because of iTunes, Google Play, Amazon Music, Spotify, etc. making it stupidly simple to be a legal customer at an impulse buy price.

More alarmingly, that portal had in their configurator uses that were legally considered fair use like dissertations. If they are attempting to collect fees for that, it's kind of dishonest.
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In the old days, folks would buy and sell in their local communities.
And the net was cool when the doors opened and niche forums arrived whereby everyone into one thing could interact.
Making deals, trading and purchasing within a trusted community works with like-minded folks upon which an experience has been built.

But the power brokers have arrived. While facebook, youtube, google, etc, have created strong, functional, powerful interfaces making it easier for all to interact, we’ve been sucked into a power trap. And now advertising and business models are now applied to smaller ventures like this Etsy thing.

My hope is that forums like this one can continue to operate outside the bounds of these middle-men in the business world. While this forum is part of a retail experience, buying and selling here with trusted forum participants and keeping the transaction between a trusted buyer and a trusted seller is the key. But it seems the bigger it gets, the worse it gets.

I was involved heavily into several forums related to old audio designs and because of the nature of these old metal horns, drivers and cabinet designs, there wasn’t a lot of the types of folks who are suspect in nature. I cannot begin to tell you how helpful these folks were. Ah, but alas, who doesn’t want an electric guitar? :)
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