The OS freezes over usb

Many, many people are using Windows 10 without issues do I don't think that's it.

Definitely try another cable.
I uninstalled windows 10 and installed windows 8.1.
Now everything works great!
I missed and wish I would have seen that you did a clean install of Windows. I realize now you may have spent a bunch of time rebuilding on 8.1. I would be willing to bet if you did a clean install of Windows 10 everything would work great again or better yet install Windows 11. It’s been so long for me, but one of the later major Windows 10 build updates (I forget the exact version) hosed more than a few hardware drivers and just various strange things. The Workstation I was using had a nice MB for the time and had two separate USB chipsets and ESATA. I remember the one batch of USB ports stopped working and the ESATA port. Also, a very nice Wifi adapter drivers got corrupted. I did a rebuild and did all updates and slowly added peripherals and got it working OK again. I don’t think I was ever able to get the one USB chipset working. Part of that was lack of support from the MB manufacture. (Asus)

Somewhere around this time I became semi disabled and was using an iPad to do the little bit of music I was doing. It will be 2 years in May I got the FM3 and started to get serious about music again in my limited way and got a decent laptop with Windows 11 to build a DAW and everything has been working great so far.

Long story short, sometime a clean install is the easiest and maybe the only way to get Windows back to functioning properly again. It’s a pain and time consuming. Is your system able to run Windows 11?
very possibly could be that then - fm3 edit would work fine but if i was attempting to do something on my daw it would freeze -taking the cable out of the laptop would make it work again. So i switched to a usb3 port and it was fine.
It never used to be like that and usb2 would be ok but I guess as processor become more intense and more data transfer USB2 isn't up to speed.
So i assume you use both end USB-A 3.0 ?
I do use it with win 10 and it does it
Because you use Win 10 and have a problem doesn't mean the driver has a problem (which is what my reply was about).

As I said, many others are doing the same without a problem.

If the driver was the problem then I suspect we would see a lot of people reporting the issue.

What have you tried to resolve it?

If nothing works then contact support.
I run FM3 Edit and different Browsers with youtube without issues on 3 different machines with Win10.
I assume you have a general problem with your Win10 installation and your machine (system drivers, BIOS,....).
Win10 sound-settings (chosen audio device the right one ? App-audio device ?)can also cause strange behavieour or the "Stereo Mix" device in System-Sound-Settings also caused severel issues on different machines from costumers at my workplace.
yes - i was USB 2.0 and then was getting system freezes when using my DAW etc. - My other audio interfaces were performing fine - and then it occurred to me that they were plugged into USB 3.0 so I tried that and I haven't had any system freezes since.
Arright, i always use a usb 3.0 port but i dont have a usb 3.0 cable so ill get one and see what it does!
Because you use Win 10 and have a problem doesn't mean the driver has a problem (which is what my reply was about).

As I said, many others are doing the same without a problem.

If the driver was the problem then I suspect we would see a lot of people reporting the issue.

What have you tried to resolve it?

If nothing works then contact support.
I didn't try much cause i don't know what the hell i should do hehe, it's doin it since the 2 last firmware update, everything was working fine 3 weeks ago so.. when i record it always freeze and when i work my presets on FM3 Edit the software always freeze and i have to either unplug the FM3 and plug it back or quit ''Edit'' and open it back
I didn't try much cause i don't know what the hell i should do hehe, it's doin it since the 2 last firmware update, everything was working fine 3 weeks ago so.. when i record it always freeze and when i work my presets on FM3 Edit the software always freeze and i have to either unplug the FM3 and plug it back or quit ''Edit'' and open it back
At the very least, try another USB cable and another port on your computer if it has one.

Make sure your cable is 5m (15ft) or less in length.
At the very least, try another USB cable and another port on your computer if it has one.

Make sure your cable is 5m (15ft) or less in length.
Yeah ill try the USB 3.0 if it work using the USB-A to USB-A ports, cause the USB-B that is on the FM3 is not a 3.0, so we'll see but i've tried 2 different USB-B to USB-A 2.0 and i have the same issue for both cable, one worst than the other so, they might both be shit lol
Yeah ill try the USB 3.0 if it work using the USB-A to USB-A ports, cause the USB-B that is on the FM3 is not a 3.0, so we'll see but i've tried 2 different USB-B to USB-A 2.0 and i have the same issue for both cable, one worst than the other so, they might both be shit lol
Only the USB-B works on the FM3. The USB-A is has no current function...
Only the USB-B works on the FM3. The USB-A is has no current function...
allright well then it has nothing to do with usb 2.0 or 3.0....:weary: lol im so sick its just getting worst the more i play.. takes me forever to dial presets and record stuff
I typically use my FM3 with my Macbook, but after upgrading to firmware 6.0 I brought it to a friend's house and plugged it into his Windows 10 laptop after installing the drivers from Fractal. With it plugged in when he went to open Cubase his whole system hung on the Cubase loading screen. Opening task manager showed the CPU at 100% but no processes were listed as using any appreciable amount of CPU time (everything added up to <10%). Unplugging the FM3 eventually allowed the system to return to normal but it did take another 20-30 seconds until the CPU usage had subsided.
I typically use my FM3 with my Macbook, but after upgrading to firmware 6.0 I brought it to a friend's house and plugged it into his Windows 10 laptop after installing the drivers from Fractal. With it plugged in when he went to open Cubase his whole system hung on the Cubase loading screen. Opening task manager showed the CPU at 100% but no processes were listed as using any appreciable amount of CPU time (everything added up to <10%). Unplugging the FM3 eventually allowed the system to return to normal but it did take another 20-30 seconds until the CPU usage had subsided.
that was my experience after installing 6.0 - but then I moved to USB3 port and no problems
that was my experience after installing 6.0 - but then I moved to USB3 port and no problems
You can use a USB 3 port, but the FM3 only have the USB2 port, and you also use a USB2 cable since the USB-B 3 is different, so the speed stays the same. Shouldn't be what resolve the problem
That doesn't really make much sense as the Fractal stuff is all USB 2.0.
I wasn't aware that the Fractal was just 2.0 but I don't know what to tell you - i tried both my usb 2.0 ports and same problem - as soon as I moved to USB 3.0 port no problems. Probably something else going on.
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I think if anything this might indicate a problem with either the Windows driver, or the way firmware 6.0 interacts with it. Definitely worth bringing this up to Fractal support.

The FM3's type B port is indeed only USB 2.0 and I can confirm on my macbook that my FM3 links at only 480mb/s which is a USB 2 speed. Unfortunately I don't have my friend's laptop here to test with further and he is not very computer savvy and does not want me plugging my FM3 in again, but the machine is relatively old and the ports on his were black indicating they are likely USB 2.0.
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