The Matrix CFR12 thread


Hi all,
Info about the Matrix CFR12 passive wedge is spread/diluted over many threads.
I (very officially :) invite you to post your feedback/experience/... about this cab in the present thread.
Thanks for your contribution.
I have had a hard time finding videos and clips, or even feedback about the Matrix CFR12. I have a Matrix GT1000FX and it is a great amp. I'd like to see more info on the CFR.
I have a Matrix GT1000FX and it is a great amp. I'd like to see more info on the CFR.
I just bought both a GT1000FX (2U - used) and a CFR-12 (new for I will let you know how the CFR-12 sounds as soon as I have enough experience to share.
Why did you choose the Q12 over the CFR12?

I am used to having a cab when I gig. I play out a lot so I feel more comfortable with a cab vs a wedge.

It is a preference thing.

also I am not running through FOH. ( I play small clubs/restaurants) The cab is my amp.

Every once in a while I mike up (for weddings and corp events) -- but 80 plus percent of the time -- it is an amp/cab behind me on a stand.
I love my CFR 12s and GT1500FXBD (the BD stands for Bruno Durand). Fantastic system which works so well with the Axe-FX II.

DANGER: Do not be fooled by their light weight - they are VERY LOUD, yet can work at bedroom volume too.

DANGER: Ne vous laissez pas berner par leur légèreté - ils sont TRÈS FORTS, mais peuvent travailler à volume chambre aussi.

PELIGRO: No se deje engañar por su peso ligero - que son MUY RUIDOSO, pero puede trabajar en el volumen dormitorio también.

GEFAHR: Lassen Sie sich durch ihr geringes Gewicht täuschen - sie sind SEHR LAUT, kann aber im Schlafzimmer Lautstärke zu arbeiten.

I know my languages are poor, so I'm not going to risk offending more nations, by trying to translate an further. :D
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