The Holy Grail!

Amp GAS = Cured
Guitar GAS = Never really had it but maybe in the near future! :p A guy have to burn money somewhere! :p

Having 2 expensive hobbies, Playing guitar and building muscle cars, having the AXE has cured my GAS for gear. So now, I have more money to put "gas" in my Chevelle. At over $4/gallon and a car that gets 5 MPG when I keep my foot out of it...NOT! Makes driving it more fun! ;-)
The Axe-FX cured my amp GAS for sure, but there is still Axe-FX accessory/FRFR GAS to deal with. First there is the MFC-101. Then there's a new netbook to run Axe-Edit on. Then there's the issue of FRFR amps/cabs, which is practically a hobby in itself.

My guitar GAS is pretty much over now that I have all the guitars I ever had on my wish list. I struggle to think of another that I even slightly want at this point.

I suppose there are still boutique/specialty effects pedals out there for which there is no Axe-FX equivalent, but I haven't run into one that I feel I really must have. Not yet anyway. But never say never, right? ;)

BTW, the only thing I wish the Axe-FX did was provide a separation between the preamp and power amp "sections" of the amp blocks. I'd like the option of routing effects between them like I would via the FX loop of a physical amp. This would also allow me to bypass the pre-amp section of an amp block and replace it with a physical pre-amp device and feed it to the power amp sim.
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