The Hold function does not change the LED color


New Member
I have the hold function behind each preset switch in the preset layout with an effect activation, such as a boost of 5 dB is deposited. So I have a boost with the hold function for each preset, e.g. deposited for solo boosts. But unfortunately I cannot change the LED color when the effect is activated or deactivated with the hold function.

Thanks for your support
Exactly. That's how it works. The LED and scribble strips are related to the Tap function only.
Would be nice if you could set an alternative color for when a hold function is activated rather than no light. My Boss GX100 has this function. Helps to visually indicate the hold function is active. I need all the help I can get on stage some nights.
Would be nice if you could set an alternative color for when a hold function is activated rather than no light. My Boss GX100 has this function. Helps to visually indicate the hold function is active. I need all the help I can get on stage some nights.
...or even a left-half/right-half split if those are actually 4 LED's on the ring.
I think, a change for the color is great option for next firmware-update. Is it possible to make this posts as wish or a bug of the FM9?
I think it would be neat if the hold function would change the bottom 2 LED's of the full circle. That way you'd see a change.
BUt, I assume that the light color is the full ring, not independent lights.
I think it would be neat if the hold function would change the bottom 2 LED's of the full circle. That way you'd see a change.
BUt, I assume that the light color is the full ring, not independent lights.
That's correct, 1 LED for the whole switch. Too bad, but how it is in this generation of Fractal gear.
That's correct, 1 LED for the whole switch. Too bad, but how it is in this generation of Fractal gear.
Its not a big deal for me. Just a cool concept. I primarily use the hold for turning on or off certain effects while in the scenes layout. And those effects are are able to be heard, so I know when they're on/off. I also don't rely on the color ring. Honesty, if the ring wasn't there at all, I probably wouldn't care.
Its not a big deal for me. Just a cool concept. I primarily use the hold for turning on or off certain effects while in the scenes layout. And those effects are are able to be heard, so I know when they're on/off. I also don't rely on the color ring. Honesty, if the ring wasn't there at all, I probably wouldn't care.
How did people ever get along without colored foot switches? The good old days of the GCP, we were lucky to have a little red LED that was either on or off :p
I've made this a WISH a while back. Forum members have suggested various ways to indicate a hold function, but so far it's not something that's been done (I don't know if it can be). Feel free to +1 the request!
I think, a change for the color is great option for next firmware-update. Is it possible to make this posts as wish or a bug of the FM9?
It's been wished, along with a hundred other requests related to making a visual indication that the Hold function is enabled.

It's almost certainly not going to happen because that's just not the intent of the LED rings and scribble strips.
It's been wished, along with a hundred other requests related to making a visual indication that the Hold function is enabled.

It's almost certainly not going to happen because that's just not the intent of the LED rings and scribble strips.

It may not currently be the intent of the LED rings and scribble strips but I don't see why that can't be changed. At least in a future version of hardware. Seems like one of the overarching intentions of rings and strips, along with the screen, is to provide as much useful information as possible to the player in aiding them in navigating the device as well as providing useful detail as to what the modeler's current state is. Enhancing visual feedback could leverage any and all mechanisms available on the device.
It's been wished, along with a hundred other requests related to making a visual indication that the Hold function is enabled.

It's almost certainly not going to happen because that's just not the intent of the LED rings and scribble strips.
You may be right it'll never happen, but I don't really get the "that just not the intent" piece.

The intent of the LED rings clearly IS to indicate that something has been turned "on" by that switch. Thing is (and I know you know this, just being clear), footswitches can have two separate functions, and as of now there's no indicator for the hold function, and I for one would like it if there was one.

It's not clear what that indication should be, given the limitation that the switch has only a single LED, but I don't get why that's not in keeping with the intent here.
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It's been wished, along with a hundred other requests related to making a visual indication that the Hold function is enabled.

It's almost certainly not going to happen because that's just not the intent of the LED rings and scribble strips.
That's too bad. I've been struggling with this since myself I've been using the FM9.
Seems like a really sensible request to allow the LED rings to change colors when Hold is engaged. It actually limits the usefulness of the Hold function, I find, because the visual indicator logic breaks down pretty quickly depending upon what you are triggering.
I've thought about this a lot, as I use hold on a few switches, and I can't imagine how you would do this effectively with only one LED. If you could have one half associated with press and the other half (either L/R or T/B) with the hold, it would be very cool. But would need a HW redesign. As such, I'm careful what I assign to hold so that I don't really need an LED. Stuff I use temporarily, or that is super audible, are what I assign.
I've thought about this a lot, as I use hold on a few switches, and I can't imagine how you would do this effectively with only one LED. If you could have one half associated with press and the other half (either L/R or T/B) with the hold, it would be very cool. But would need a HW redesign. As such, I'm careful what I assign to hold so that I don't really need an LED. Stuff I use temporarily, or that is super audible, are what I assign.

I think this kind of exemplifies the limitation of not being able to control the display of the Hold function's status.

I've also given a lot of thought and experimentation to what I assign to hold but what I know is that if I could just control the color of the LED while Hold is engaged (and ideally, optionally, change the text of the scribble strip while Hold is engaged) that I would not have to wrestle with this quite so much. Seems like this request could be implemented within the current hardware spec as well.
I think this kind of exemplifies the limitation of not being able to control the display of the Hold function's status.

I've also given a lot of thought and experimentation to what I assign to hold but what I know is that if I could just control the color of the LED while Hold is engaged (and ideally, optionally, change the text of the scribble strip while Hold is engaged) that I would not have to wrestle with this quite so much. Seems like this request could be implemented within the current hardware spec as well.
Yes, having a "hold" color would be cool, I've had a wild dream of a 3-color scheme. One color for press, one for hold, one for both. Though I don't know how I'd remember which is which...

Hold also has a very cool function where I use it to cycle between channels. Different drive pedals, different delay settings. My fave is cycling between Rotary speeds, where the press (and light) indicate if the Rotary is on or off, and hold changes speed (by changing channels). I don't need a color/light for that, I think it's maybe a better use of hold vs. just controlling another on/off.
Hold also has a very cool function where I use it to cycle between channels. Different drive pedals, different delay settings. My fave is cycling between Rotary speeds, where the press (and light) indicate if the Rotary is on or off, and hold changes speed (by changing channels). I don't need a color/light for that, I think it's maybe a better use of hold vs. just controlling another on/off.
Rotary speed is indeed one of the better uses for the current implementation of the Hold function's visual feedback, I agree.

However, channel switching in general using the switches is made somewhat less intuitive because of the lack of color choice - We are able to cycle through channels using a single switch but we are unable to give each channel a different color LED.

Basically anytime you are using the Hold function for something that is "On", you don't have the ability to easily see the status of that setting is across scenes. A good simple example would be a gain boost: Ideally I would select a scene with a switch ("Red" LED) and then hold the switch to engage a gain boost ("Yellow" LED). Ideally at this point the Yellow color would survive other scene changes (in a dimmed mode) until you hold that switch again to disable it.
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