The Future of FAS???

I'd love to have a VST, but really only for recording, and maybe a bit of patch creation. Never live. It'd be great to have the ability to tweak recordings on the fly without the giant black box dongle attached. Especially when I'd much rather keep the Axe itself in the practice room. It'd also be a great way to create new live patches. As long as there is a one-to-one aspect, as far as patches go. Recording with just a guitar, a laptop, and an small USB input device could also make it easier on bands that do some recording on the road.
The whole reason I bought my AFX2 was to eliminate the load of running an amp/cab sim from my computers CPU, not to mention the def upgrade in quality of amp sims. But the main reason was wanting to lift the 'weight' from my computer so that I can run protools more smoothly. What would be super cool, but probably not doable, would be being able to connect AFX2 to computer via USB and have faster than realtime bounce for the purpose of reamping.
I'd like to see a modelling guitar - something similar to the Line 6 Variax. Except FAS's would work properly!!
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