THE dumbest question evar


OK - so I've been using an E-Cig lately (yes - it's an electronic cigarette that atomizes liquid nicotine using a lithium battery - why? because I'm a retard, that's why).

Anyway - the last few practices I noticed that when it's just sitting next to my rig (Ultra w/ Mesa 20/20) it randomly lights up! My Ultra (I think it is anyway) is somehow transmitting a frequency that turns it on.

I had it in my pocket while I was playing last week and it heated up so much that I had to take it out of my pocket.

Curious as to why my Ultra wants to smoke my e-cig?

This happened with my ART SLA-2 as well (so I don't think it's the Mesa) and my wireless is off.

How does it usually turn on?

And I think I'd put this in the category of *weirdest* question, rather than dumbest. :p
godprobe said:
How does it usually turn on?

And I think I'd put this in the category of *weirdest* question, rather than dumbest. :p

Just inhaling through it activates it - I notice that it only happens at higher volumes?

Yes - weirdest. You are correct sir.
Mystery solved - the battery is activated by harmonic vibration when drawing through it - loud music creates enough vibration to activate it.
Frehley had a smoking guitar. You can have a smoking amp. Sounds fair to me. I smell a co-headlining tour!!!.......and something burning. :mrgreen:
Dude, that electronic cigarette is made in China. God knows what they put in it. A recycled warhead part might be what's setting it off.

Try Commit lozenges instead. I'm on the 137th week of their 12-week program but haven't smoked one cigarette in that time.
addedc said:
Dude, that electronic cigarette is made in China. God knows what they put in it. A recycled warhead part might be what's setting it off.

Try Commit lozenges instead. I'm on the 137th week of their 12-week program but haven't smoked one cigarette in that time.

Everything (except the AFX) is made in China.

I haven't smoked since 12/31/08
Sharkdog said:
addedc said:
Dude, that electronic cigarette is made in China. God knows what they put in it. A recycled warhead part might be what's setting it off.

Try Commit lozenges instead. I'm on the 137th week of their 12-week program but haven't smoked one cigarette in that time.

Everything (except the AFX) is made in China.

I haven't smoked since 12/31/08

I've smoke 1/2 a cigarette in my life. Tasted bad. OH come on - not everything is made in China. I've got a few other things in my studio that aren't. My Oktava mics were made in Russia. My McNaught guitar was made in USA. My Blue mic was made in USA too.
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