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The dark side of your wife owning a Mini Cooper....


Because now for road trips it makes more sense to take the 35mpg car than the 15mpg SUV....which means I can no longer take my Axe and a couple of guitars...which means I've been away from my gear for 3 days already and I'm about to lose my mind. Just say no guys, you've been warned....
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...which means I can longer take my Axe and a couple of guitars...which means I've been away from my gear for 3 days already and I'm about to lose my mind.

Trusting you mean can 'no' longer take your Axe. I think 'about to lose my mind'..... has arrived :)
Because now for road trips it makes more sense to take the 35mpg car than the 15mpg SUV....which means I can no longer take my Axe and a couple of guitars...which means I've been away from my gear for 3 days already and I'm about to lose my mind. Just say no guys, you've been warned....

Take the money you save on gas and spend them on an AX8 - bring the AX8 in a laptop bag and one guitar - problem solved........
You're welcome........
Take both cars next time .... you can tell your wife that two people in a Mini Cooper wrecks the mpg and with both vehicles travelling you'll be getting 35 mpg + 15 mpg .... and that's an astounding 50 mpg!
I'd just leave the wife at home and take my Axe and guitars on the road trip.. I'm sure 3 days away from her wouldn't make you lose your mind ;-)
Travel acoustic?

I can recommend the Journey Overhead (I have the carbon fiber version) or if you have more room, a Voyage Air (I have a dread).
all fantastic suggestions, lol. i mean, my grandfather who i'm visiting has a beautiful gretsch i play, but it's not the same....
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