That the mods would take a bit of a chill pill.

They deal with a lot of stupid... Cut them some slack.

I don’t see too many stupid people on these boards...not at this price point or level of technical sophistication. Uninformed, maybe...socially awkward, sure...mentally unstable? Occasionally, but stupid? I have my doubts.

Checking one’s self from time to time isn’t a bad thing...if the shoe fits wear it, if it doesn’t but one finds themselves rankled by the suggestion it does...well maybe maybe it’s just a snug fit then. Just sayin’...I’ve noticed a heavier hand around here than usual...maybe it’s nothing, maybe some fresh air and some stretching of the legs is overdue in the wake of the Axe3 launch. Maybe I’m just used to being in an environment where feedback is encouraged and not taken personally. Somehow I’m sure we’ll all live through it.
I don’t see too many stupid people on these boards...not at this price point or level of technical sophistication. Uninformed, maybe...socially awkward, sure...mentally unstable? Occasionally, but stupid? I have my doubts.

Checking one’s self from time to time isn’t a bad thing...if the shoe fits wear it, if it doesn’t but one finds themselves rankled by the suggestion it does...well maybe maybe it’s just a snug fit then. Just sayin’...I’ve noticed a heavier hand around here than usual...maybe it’s nothing, maybe some fresh air and some stretching of the legs is overdue in the wake of the Axe3 launch. Maybe I’m just used to being in an environment where feedback is encouraged and not taken personally. Somehow I’m sure we’ll all live through it.

Glad you said it. I've gone as far as ignoring most of the moderators. Power corrupts.
Each and every day moderators on this board spend precious time of their own moving threads to sections where they belong, fighting spam, answering messages via PM, discussing actions, removing duplicate threads, dealing with insults and even threats etc. and answering thousands of questions. Moderators are not being paid or compensated.

It's so easy to sit on your bench and criticize it all without being accountable. Discussion with a mod is fine. But if you don't like the policy, reread the forum rules or simply leave.
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Each and every day moderators on this board spent precious time of their own moving threads to the sections where they belong, fighting spam, answering messages via PM, discussing actions, removing duplicate threads, dealing with insults and even threats etc. etc. and answering thousands of questions. Moderators are not being paid or compensated.

It's so easy to sit on your bench and criticize it all without being accountable. If you don't like it, reread the forum rules or simply leave.
Well said! I would like to thank all the Moderators for the significant amount of time they spend on making this an enjoyable and informative forum. My wife runs a similar site as a support group for her disability and I understand the work that is involved. And as @yek says, it is uncompensated. Very few people would undertake something similar for free. Thanks to all the Moderators!
We don't see it here so much but if you go to other forum sites I always feel like (there) FAS is under some kind of attack (especially since the Axe III announcement)? Which I don't get at all!?
They have a different target clientele than almost all the other manufacturers. Plus anyone that plays guitar and comprehends what the III is should be overwhelmed with excitement! So I don't understand the animosity? I'm sure the mods are aware and have to be in somewhat of a defense mode all the time.
This is still the most fun forum ever (except the waitlist part :p)
Having been a mod on another board, it is a behind the scenes, no glory, pain in the patooty. Personally, I think the mods here do an AWESOME job. The Fractal Forum is a great site, and that does not happen by itself. It takes great mods to have a great site.
Each and every day moderators on this board spend precious time of their own moving threads to sections where they belong, fighting spam, answering messages via PM, discussing actions, removing duplicate threads, dealing with insults and even threats etc. and answering thousands of questions. Moderators are not being paid or compensated.

It's so easy to sit on your bench and criticize it all without being accountable. Discussion with a mod is fine. But if you don't like the policy, reread the forum rules or simply leave.

Having been a mod on another board, it is a behind the scenes, no glory, pain in the patooty. Personally, I think the mods here do an AWESOME job. The Fractal Forum is a great site, and that does not happen by itself. It takes great mods to have a great site.

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