Thank you Cliff

A thank you Cliff thread! Just what we all need, we need to thank this man and team of great people showing their passion through their dedication and hard work.

To all of you out there in Fractal Audio Systems-universe:

*thank you for not having to worry about bad tone when using my headset.
*thank you for updating the axe-fx with fresh firmware, the gift that keeps on giving.
*thank you for the support you do by spending time with customers in this forum.
*thank you for listening. wish list, bugs, what we want we often get.
*thank you for "would it not be easier to do it this way" - could come from a random axe-fx'er... same day *swoosh - FractalAudio: "will be featured in future firmware"
*thank you for inspiring me to play more guitar due to this intense soundscape I get to enter through this aural sphere of enlightment - the axe-fx.

And at last: thank you for not showing any form of change, through becoming a bigger company in terms of sales and success.

Cliff I know your state of mind is "I don't do it for the money" and obviously your philosophy as a human-being spreads like rings from a stone hitting water inside team fractal audio.

One thing is to be a great leader and boss, another is to have a team sharing the same humble and down to earth approach when you guys talk with us.
A thank you Cliff thread! Just what we all need, we need to thank this man and team of great people showing their passion through their dedication and hard work.

To all of you out there in Fractal Audio Systems-universe:

*thank you for not having to worry about bad tone when using my headset.
*thank you for updating the axe-fx with fresh firmware, the gift that keeps on giving.
*thank you for the support you do by spending time with customers in this forum.
*thank you for listening. wish list, bugs, what we want we often get.
*thank you for "would it not be easier to do it this way" - could come from a random axe-fx'er... same day *swoosh - FractalAudio: "will be featured in future firmware"
*thank you for inspiring me to play more guitar due to this intense soundscape I get to enter through this aural sphere of enlightment - the axe-fx.

And at last: thank you for not showing any form of change, through becoming a bigger company in terms of sales and success.

Cliff I know your state of mind is "I don't do it for the money" and obviously your philosophy as a human-being spreads like rings from a stone hitting water inside team fractal audio.

One thing is to be a great leader and boss, another is to have a team sharing the same humble and down to earth approach when you guys talk with us.
+ Infinity!
Did the update to 9.01 last night and haven't had much time to spend with it yet, but I'm VERY excited! :D Thanks and kudos as always to the Fractal team!
A thank you Cliff thread! Just what we all need, we need to thank this man and team of great people showing their passion through their dedication and hard work.

To all of you out there in Fractal Audio Systems-universe:

*thank you for not having to worry about bad tone when using my headset.
*thank you for updating the axe-fx with fresh firmware, the gift that keeps on giving.
*thank you for the support you do by spending time with customers in this forum.
*thank you for listening. wish list, bugs, what we want we often get.
*thank you for "would it not be easier to do it this way" - could come from a random axe-fx'er... same day *swoosh - FractalAudio: "will be featured in future firmware"
*thank you for inspiring me to play more guitar due to this intense soundscape I get to enter through this aural sphere of enlightment - the axe-fx.

And at last: thank you for not showing any form of change, through becoming a bigger company in terms of sales and success.

Cliff I know your state of mind is "I don't do it for the money" and obviously your philosophy as a human-being spreads like rings from a stone hitting water inside team fractal audio.

One thing is to be a great leader and boss, another is to have a team sharing the same humble and down to earth approach when you guys talk with us.

SO true. We are blessed
Bless you all at FAS

Every time I play through my axe fx I think man... This has to be it... It can't get any better than this... No way!...... Then, a new FW comes out and hmmmm, I have to pinch myself and say it over again...
I have always been a modeling guy... all the way from ROLAND GP-8. I used my GP-8 with SS power amp and guitar cabs and loved the flexibility back then with all my different bands i played with. but lacked my friends marshall and boogie.. UUMMMPPHH!! (well you get it).

upgraded to a new modeler thereafter (cant remember what it was) with a Fender princeton (I think) tube amp... oh yea, good stuff.. still lacked some vibe...

Now I am all good! Damnantion Cliff!! Why didnt you invent AXE-FX 1987??!?!?!?! ;)

Happy as a pig in shit, just shut up and play my guitar!

For the AxeFX II but especially for the Two Stone, it makes me feel like a better guitarist than I am, so........sincerely, thank you.

I think a good tone motivates you to become a better guitarist. I've come up with some very cool riffs using ambient presets. The high gain presets force you to play cleaner. It's all good. :)

The best way to thank Cliff and FAS is to spread the word. Create some videos, start a blog, etc.
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Cliff's motivations and acumen are an example many in the music business could learn from emulating, modeling even! Being smart enough to surround himself with like-minded individuals, whom he expects to be as dedicated as he is, is proof of that. The one to one contact through the forum is another example of keeping his ear to the ground to make sure he knows what's what with his customer base.

I've had business contact with Cliff, Danielle, and Matt since my start using FAS gear in early 2011 and was happy with the interaction in each case. I hope they never find cause to change doing things as they do. In today's business environment, it's downright refreshing.
Cliff's motivations and acumen are an example many in the music business could learn from emulating, modeling even! Being smart enough to surround himself with like-minded individuals, whom he expects to be as dedicated as he is, is proof of that. The one to one contact through the forum is another example of keeping his ear to the ground to make sure he knows what's what with his customer base. I hope they never find cause to change doing things as they do. In today's business environment, it's downright refreshing.

This. :)

Thanks, Cliff, for all you do!
Thank you for the SILVER JUBILEE
Thank you for 9.01 with tones that speak to me
Thank you for a wonderful box
inside which tubes glow for rock
Thank you :)
Thanks Cliff and the rest of the FAS Team for saving me thousands in money and time searching for "That Tone". With the AxeFX you and your team have provided the tools to help us guitarists find and reproduce the sounds/tones that are in our heads.

It truly and honestly is the best purchase I have ever made.

Thanks for updating the presets for V9 Cliff. They have opened my mind to new sounds & amps, and have reminded me how far things have come over the years!

What's with all the ass kissing around here???

Don't get too comfortable Cliff! I say give out Christmas Pink Slips to all responsible for the delayed Axe Edit TNP!!! lol
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